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Kendrick Weeks

Weeks, Kendrick

Kendrick earned a B.S. in biology at Appalachian State University in 1993 and began his career as a seasonal biologist on many avian research projects throughout the Old North state and the country. He earned his M.S. in zoology at North Carolina State University in 2001, after which he worked as an environmental consultant for four years. Kendrick began his career with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission as a temporary in 2006 and now supervises three biologists who manage projects that inventory, monitor, research, and manage priority species and their habitats.  He is passionate about conservation of biodiversity and achieving as many conservation goals as possible.


Amphibians Reptiles Birds Bats Small mammals Wetland ecology Early successional forest Lowland/mesic forests Upland/mixed forest High altitude forest Grassland/shrub Disturbance-dependent communities (e.g., fire-dependent forests, etc.) Data/information systems (design and management) Forest/natural cover management, restoration Open grassland and shrub/natural cover management, restoration ESA (threatened and endangered species) Ozark/Ouachita-Appalachian Forests

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