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Ken Elowe Ph.D.

Elowe, Ken

Ken Elowe joined the Service in 2010 after 23 years with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. As director of resource management beginning in 1997, he was responsible for fish and wildlife programs. He began his career with the Utah Division of Wildlife working with bears, mountain lions and furbearers. Elowe initiated Maine’s Beginning with Habitat program, working with communities and agencies to conserve landscape-scale habitat for all species. Elowe also worked with the United Nations and the Jordanian government on a cooperative landscape-scale rangeland restoration program. Elowe coordinates the Northeast Region’s work on landscape-scale conservation and climate impacts to fish and wildlife. Elowe received a bachelor’s degree in biology from Bowdoin College. He earned both a Master’s degree and a doctorate in wildlife biology from the University of Massachusetts for his work on ecological behavior and reproductive physiology of black bears.


Population biology and demographics (incl. biometrics/biostatistics) Geospatial (GIS) Remote sensing (LiDAR) Data/information systems (design and management) Urban development (incl. zoning) Energy development (coal) Energy development (natural gas) Energy development (wind) (Assessing) Ecosystem services and Environmental Benefits (non-monetized)

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