Videos Around the Basin
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Communication & Outreach
Virginia Herpetological Society
Organized in 1958, the Virginia Herpetological Society brings together people interested in advancing their knowledge of Virginia's reptiles and amphibians. The VHS encourages scientific study of Virginia herpetofauna and its conservation. Education continues to be an important society function.
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General Resources Holdings
Vulnerability Assessment
Assessing climate vulnerability and integrating this information into the planning process.
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Videos and Webinars
Theme: Tools and Approaches – Neighboring LCCs
West Virginia GIS Clearinghouse Application
A statewide landscape integrity model was developed as part of the on-going assessment of natural habitats by the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources.
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Planning In Practice
Conservation Planning Projects
White-nose syndrome discovered in North Carolina, February, 2011 flickr Photos
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General Resources Holdings
Whole-System Landscape Vision
A presentation on The Nature Conservancy work pertaining to landscape conservation and the Central Appalachians Integrated Landscape Project.
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Videos and Webinars
Theme: Planning and Foundational Tools to Aid in Landscape-level Partner Products and Regional Initiatives
Wildlife Conservation Society Conservation Challenges - Climate Change
Climate change is arguably the pre-eminent challenge facing the conservation of wildlife and wild places. The WCS North America Program is addressing this challenge to ensure the long-term success of our conservation efforts. Warming has already begun to affect wildlife by shifting species’ ranges, altering the timing of seasonal events, decreasing snowpacks and streamflows, increasing lake and stream water temperatures, and melting glaciers and sea ice. As North America and the rest of the planet continue to warm, the conservation of diminishing water sources will likely become a major focus for local communities and public land managers. Other anticipated changes include the expansion of severe wildfires, increased drought frequency and severity, increased plant and wildlife disease outbreaks and insect infestations, and the degradation of vulnerable habitats, all with major implications for wildlife. There is a growing need for conservation actions now to help offset inevitable changes in landscapes and wildlife populations.
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General Resources Holdings
WLFW Landscapes and Wildlife
In 2021-2022, a multi-state, areawide planning team produced the first biome-scale frameworks for wildlife conservation in the Great Plains grasslands, western sagebrush country, and for the Central and Eastern grasslands and savannas within 25 states in the northern bobwhite range. These frameworks for conservation action capture the science documenting the threats to biomes and the wildlife that are part of them, the conservation actions that NRCS can support to address these threats and benefit producers, and the NRCS goals for implementing these actions over time.
Work at a Landscape Scale
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Our Guiding Principles
Working Lands for Wildlife
Through Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW), NRCS works with partners and private landowners to focus voluntary conservation on working landscapes. NRCS provides technical and financial assistance to agricultural producers, helping them plan and implement conservation practices that benefit target species and priority landscapes.
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