Data and Maps Videos and Webinars
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Videos and Webinars
“One Stick at a Time” in pursuit of climate adaptations for a more sustainable future
This film follows land managers in the Methow Valley, Washington for over a year, from forests to rivers, from fires to snowfall, from beaver capture to release as they try to come to grips with the impacts of climate change and the possible adaptation options right in front of them. It is a conversation starter for answering the question "What can I do?" With support from the best climate experts in the Northwest, it is a chance for each of us to think about what our landscapes will be like ten decades from now. It is a nudge to start today to make our surroundings better than they would be if we did nothing. The film was conceived as part of the 10 Decades Project, the goal of which is to inspire thousands of us to take measurable, concrete steps for climate adaptation in every area for which we are responsible.
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Videos and Webinars
Conservation Videos and Webinars
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Videos and Webinars
What stakeholders need to know about the relationships between water resources and climate change
Christine Hatch speaks at UMass Amherst as part of the Northeast Climate Science Center Colloquium on November 28th, 2012.
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Videos and Webinars
LANDFIRE Data Applications for Research in Fire Ecology, Forest Mgmt in California
Brandon Collins presents the second in a series of webinars that LANDFIRE co-hosts with the California Fire Science Consortium. Collins is a USFS Research Forester based in Davis, CA, whose interests involve characterizing effects of fire and fuels treatments on forests at both the stand and landscape levels. He says, "My research intends to provide meaningful information to managers interested in improving forest resiliency and incorporating more natural fire-vegetation dynamics across landscapes."
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Videos and Webinars
The eDNAtlas and Archive for aquatic taxa in Western North America
The ease, efficiency, and sensitivity of environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling of species in aquatic environments is leading to an explosion in its use across North America.
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Videos and Webinars
Tangible Landscape as a tool for modeling and science communication
In this webinar the Conservation Biology Institute introduce Tangible Landscape, a technology that links an interactive physical model with GRASS GIS through a real-time cycle of interaction, 3D scanning, geospatial computation, and 3D rendering.
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Videos and Webinars
NJ Landscape Project Training and Information Sessions
Designed to guide strategic wildlife habitat conservation, the Landscape Project is an interactive ecosystem-based mapping tool that assists government agencies, planners, conservation groups, the public and others in making decisions that will protect imperiled and special concern wildlife.
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Videos and Webinars
Pine health issues in the southeastern U.S.
Several biotic and abiotic stressors, including insects, pathogens, and weather, can impact pine growth in the Southeast. Dr. David Coyle (Clemson University) will provide a general overview of identification, impact, and management strategies for pine health in the region.
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Videos and Webinars
Energy Videos and Webinars
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Videos and Webinars