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Jon Ambrose

Ambrose, Jon

Jon is the chief of the Georgia Wildlife Resources Division’s Nongame Conservation Section. As chief, Ambrose supervises an agency charged with conserving Georgia’s rare and other nongame wildlife – those not legally fished for or hunted – plus native plants and the natural habitats these species need. The Nongame Conservation Section conducts research, surveys, education, land acquisition and habitat management, often partnering with other agencies and organizations.

Ambrose began his career as an ecologist with DNR in 1986, the same year he completed a doctorate in ecology at the University of Georgia. He later managed the Georgia Natural Heritage Program, coordinating biological research, conservation, surveys and a vital database that now tracks nearly 1,200 rare plant and animal species and more than 180 natural communities in the state. As assistant chief, he helped oversee Nongame Conservation Section projects statewide. Ambrose also served as State Wildlife Action Plan coordinator, guiding the creation with partner organizations of Georgia’s first plan in the early 2000s. He is a 2011 graduate of the National Conservation Leadership Institute and serves as chair of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies’ Wildlife Action Plans Committee. Ambrose co-authored The Natural Communities of Georgia, published by University of Georgia Press in 2013.
