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Ray Albright Ph.D.

Albright, Ray

Dr. Ray Albright is a Senior Scientist with the US Department of Interior, National Park Service. He serves as the National Park Service Coordinator within the Southern Appalachian Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU), a cooperative of universities and research associations that provide science to the National Park Service.  Dr. Albright is a forest ecologist, specializing in forest hydrology and forest soils.


River/stream ecology Wetland ecology Hydrology and geomorphology Early successional forest Lowland/mesic forests Upland/mixed forest Disturbance-dependent communities (e.g., fire-dependent forests, etc.) Soil/range science Parks and Recreation Aquatic systems/resources (incl. instream flow) Geospatial (GIS) Rivers/Streams - Instream Habitat Rivers/Streams - Streambank/Riparian Forest/natural cover management, restoration Appalachia (Cultural Communities) Ozark/Ouachita-Appalachian Forests

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