Pennsylvania Game Commission
The Commission is responsible for managing all of Pennsylvania's wild birds and mammals and enforcing the Game and Wildlife Code, Fish and Boat Code, Forestry Laws and Pennsylvania's Crimes Code. Since its formation, the Commission has purchased lands for inclusion in its State Game Lands system, which currently contains about 300 separate tracts comprising a total of more than 1.4 million acres, and dedicates an extraordinary amount of manpower to the never-ending effort of spreading the word and educating Pennsylvanians about wildlife.
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Pima Natural Resource Conservation District
The Pima Natural Resource Conservation District (District or Pima NRCD) is structured as a hybrid of a state agency funded under the Arizona State Lands Natural Resources Division and as an independent local unit of Arizona government. The District’s Board of Supervisors consists of both elected and Governor-appointed Supervisors. The expertise of Pima NRCD and all other Natural Resource Conservation Districts in Arizona is recognized by Arizona statute 37-1054 (A) as follows:
“This state recognizes the special expertise of the districts in the fields of land, soil, water and natural resources management within the boundaries of the district.”
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Prescribed Fire Community of Practice
The Prescribed Fire Community of Practice (CoP) provides a clearinghouse for information on conducting controlled burns and the effects of fire on plants and wildlife. The CoP also offers information on fire through articles, FAQs from the nation’s top prescribed fire personnel, and up-to-date fire news and events. The CoP is a National Cooperative Extension Resource.
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Redington Natural Resource Conservation District
The objective of the Redington NRCD is to provide leadership in promoting the conservation of all natural resources within the district. Throughout the Redington District there are few remaining ranching and farming properties. Farmland is used for crop and/or hay production as well as irrigated pasture. Using farm fields for irrigated pasture allows for rest and rotation of rangelands throughout the growing season for best management practices. Recurrent droughts continue to affect forage production, but conservation planning has lead to bet- ter management on what large ranches remain.
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Sandhills Task Force
The Sandhills Task Force (STF) is a non-profit organization consisting of a 16-member board of Sandhill ranchers and conservation agencies. The organization’s focus is on affecting sound environmental and economic practices in the Sandhills of Nebraska.
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Saratoga Encampment Rawlins Conservation District
SERCD has been working to conserve and enhance natural resources in central Carbon County since 1945.
SERCD provides local leadership for the conservation of natural resources. We focus on natural resource issues and solutions specific to the communities we represent.
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SEAFWA Conference
The annual conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies is a forum for the exchange of ideas and critical information regarding the management and protection of fish and wildlife resources primarily in the southeast.
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Shenandoah National Park
The Shenandoah National Park is a place for recreation and re-creation. The Park develops research, species restoration, nonnative species management, and educational materials for the public and conservation practitioners.
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South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
The mission of the Land, Water, and Conservation Division of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources is to provide scientific and reliable information to policy and decision makers and to the public in order to understand, sustain, and protect the State's natural resources for the benefit of all generations.
The mission of the Geological Survey is to provide reliable, unbiased scientific information to public and private decision-makers involved with land-use planning, environment, and economic development.
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State Agencies and Climate Change Planning
State Wildlife Action Plans prepared by natural resource agencies describe monitoring species and their habitats, monitoring the effectiveness of the conservation actions proposed, and adapting these conservation actions to respond appropriately to new information or changing conditions, including climate change. Other agencies at the state and federal level have also identified a need to plan strategically for climate change. The following states had published climate change plans or reports at the time of publication of the Appalachian Development and Operations Plan.
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Section 1: Biodiversity and Conservation Challenges Across the Appalachian Region