Appalachian Headwaters
Appalachian Headwaters, a nonprofit organization, is a leader in environmental education and reforestation of mined land in central Appalachia.
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Management Capacity - States
Conservation Management capacity residing within State agencies of the AppLCC region.
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AppLCC Development and Operations Planning
Paradise Sonoma Conservation District
The Paradise-Sonoma Conservation District covers the eastern part of Humboldt County. There are about 2,313,640 acres in the district consisting of about 582,640 acres of private land and 1,731,000 acres of public land administered by the U.S. Forest Service (270,000 acres) and Bureau of Land Management.
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Coconino Natural Resource Conservation District
Providing a means for people to work together for natural resource conservation and development. To work with all entities; Federal, Indian Nation, State, County, City, Corporate and/or Private. The District direction is always resource conservation through education and management principles for good stewardship.
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Idaho Department of Lands
Idaho accepted endowment lands at statehood under the condition that they be managed, in perpetuity, to secure the maximum long-term financial return for the beneficiaries. Endowment lands are different than other public lands. Public land managed by the U.S. Forest Service serves a multiple-use mission. Endowment lands, on the other hand, serve a sole-use mission to earn money for the beneficiaries.
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Pima Natural Resource Conservation District
The Pima Natural Resource Conservation District (District or Pima NRCD) is structured as a hybrid of a state agency funded under the Arizona State Lands Natural Resources Division and as an independent local unit of Arizona government. The District’s Board of Supervisors consists of both elected and Governor-appointed Supervisors. The expertise of Pima NRCD and all other Natural Resource Conservation Districts in Arizona is recognized by Arizona statute 37-1054 (A) as follows:
“This state recognizes the special expertise of the districts in the fields of land, soil, water and natural resources management within the boundaries of the district.”
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Idaho Fish and Game
Idaho Fish and Game's mission is to protect, preserve, perpetuate and manage Idaho's wildlife resources.
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New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department
EMNRD strives to make our state a leader in developing reliable supplies of energy, and energy-efficient technologies and practices, with a balanced approach toward conserving our renewable and non-renewable resources; to protect the environment and ensure responsible reclamation of land and resources affected by mineral extraction; to be effective in leading our state in growing healthy, sustainable forests and managing them for a variety of users and ecologically sound uses; and to improve the state park system into a nationwide leader that contributes to a sustainable economy statewide while protecting New Mexico’s natural, cultural, and recreational resources for posterity.
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New Jersey Wildlife and Conservation Conference
Hosted by Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ, the NJ State Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs and the Division, the NJWCC will present panels and seminars about New Jersey's wildlife and how sportsmen, wildlife enthusiasts, biologists and others can come together around our shared commitment and passion for protecting New Jersey's wildlife. Together, we can set the stage for innovative, productive partnerships in the years to come.
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Webinar Series on State Wildlife Action Plan Revision
A webinar series to help states as they revise their SWAPs. Webinars will take place monthly on Thursdays from 1:00-2:30pm eastern.
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