Celebrating 1 Million Feet of Conservation Fence in West Virginia
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Trout Unlimited, working in partnership with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and Farm Service Agency, West Virginia Conservation Agency, Canaan Valley NWR, numerous non-governmental organizations and many landowners, have installed over 1 million feet of conservation fence throughout the state of West Virginia.
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News & Events
Facilitating Local Stakeholder Participation in Collaborative Landscape Conservation Planning
Landscape-scale conservation enables conservation professionals to understand the biological and social factors at work across a broad range of traditional geopolitical boundaries. With a solid understanding of these factors comes the ability to make sound management decisions based on desired future conditions. However, even the most informed decisions rely on the support of local stakeholders to become successful on the ground. Join host Brad Milley from the National Wildlife Refuge System and Dr. Catherine Doyle-Capitman as they discuss the different scales at which conservation occurs and the importance of integrating local stakeholder participation and social data into collaborative landscape conservation planning. Shared by the FWS through the National Conservation Training Center.
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Training Resources Exchange
Management Capacity - Regional Partnerships
Management capacity that resides within existing formal Partnerships such as Joint Ventures, Fish Habitat Partnerships, and others.
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General Resources Holdings
AppLCC Development and Operations Planning
Management Capacity - States
Conservation Management capacity residing within State agencies of the AppLCC region.
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General Resources Holdings
AppLCC Development and Operations Planning
Northeast Climate Science Center Fall Colloquium: Translating Climate Science for Resource Managers
What stakeholders need to know about the relationships between water resources and climate change.
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News & Events
Private Landowner Network - National LCCs Map
Here is an interactive map of all National LCC's.
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The Network
National LCC Network
Stakeholder participation for environmental management: A literature review
The complex and dynamic nature of environmental problems requires flexible and trans- parent decision-making that embraces a diversity of knowledges and values. For this rea- son, stakeholder participation in environmental decision-making has been increasingly sought and embedded into national and international policy. Although many benefits have been claimed for participation, disillusionment has grown amongst practitioners and stakeholders who have felt let down when these claims are not realised. This review first traces the development of participatory approaches in different disciplinary and geograph- ical contexts, and reviews typologies that can be used to categorise and select participatory methods. It then reviews evidence for normative and pragmatic benefits of participation, and evaluates limitations and drawbacks. Although few of the claims that are made have been tested, there is evidence that stakeholder participation can enhance the quality of environmental decisions by considering more comprehensive information inputs.
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General Resources Holdings
Thomas, Richard Neil
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Expertise Search
Vitality Index - Information Sheet
Introductory fact sheet on the Vitality Index developed by NEMAC (National Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Center) associated with NC State University in Asheville, NC.
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Additional Partner HD Activities and Resources
What stakeholders need to know about the relationships between water resources and climate change
Christine Hatch speaks at UMass Amherst as part of the Northeast Climate Science Center Colloquium on November 28th, 2012.
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