Butler, Patricia
Coordinator, Climate Change Response Framework
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Central Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative (CASRI)
A partnership of diverse interests with a common goal of restoring historic red spruce-northern hardwood ecosystems across the high elevation landscapes of Central Appalachia. It is comprised of private, state, federal, and non-governmental organizations which recognize the importance of this ecosystem for its ecological, aesthetic, recreational, economic, and cultural values.
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Central Hardwoods Joint Venture
The Central Hardwoods Joint Venture (CHJV) is a partnership of state and federal government agencies and non-governmental organizations who work together to ensure the long-term viability of native bird populations. CHJV concentrates conservation efforts over an area comprising 75 million acres of rolling hills covered with hardwood forests interspersed with glades and woodlands and crisscrossed by deep river valleys. The area includes the Ozark Highlands, Boston Mountains, and Interior Lowland Plateaus. To protect native bird species throughout their ranges, the JV works with partners in Mexico and Canada in areas that these birds use for breeding or over-wintering.
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Cooperative Research Units
The Cooperative Research Unit program was established in 1935 to enhance graduate education in fisheries and wildlife sciences and to facilitate research between natural resource agencies and universities on topics of mutual concern. Today, there are 40 Cooperative Research Units in 38 states. Each unit is a partnership among the U.S. Geological Survey, a State natural resource agency, a host university, and the Wildlife Management Institute. Cooperative Research Units conduct research on renewable natural resource questions, participate in the education of graduate students, provide technical assistance and consultation on natural resource issues, and provide continuing education for natural resource professionals.
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Cooperative Research Units
Custer Gallatin Working Group
The Custer Gallatin Working Group is a collaborative established in July 2014 to develop agreement around priority areas and approaches for project work on the Custer Gallatin National Forest, and to help facilitate timely completion of those projects at the local level.
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Del Norte Fire Safe Council
The California Fire Safe Council (CFSC), a California non-profit corporation, was first formed as a project of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) in 1993.
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Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture Annual Meeting
There has been a substantial amount of activity within the EBTJV partnership over the last year and this will be a great opportunity for information dissemination, discussion, and input from all involved.
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News & Events
Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture
A diverse group of partners, including state fish and wildlife agencies, federal resource agencies, academic institutions and private sector conservation organizations are working to conserve Eastern brook trout and their habitats. Established as the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV), this Fish Habitat Partnership has already produced a range-wide population assessment of brook trout; completed extensive work that identifies key threats to brook trout and their habitats; and developed conservation strategies to protect, enhance and restore brook trout.
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Equity and Inclusion
The Landscape Partnership Equity & Inclusion space is designed to: Highlight best practices in equity and inclusion for conservation professionals, partners, agencies, and communities; Develop an ever-evolving toolkit of equity and inclusion resources to support work with, and for, underserved communities; and Create a collaborative space where stakeholders can work together to improve equity and inclusion in conservation.
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Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network
The Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network (FAC Net) exists to support and connect people and communities working on wildfire resilience. It offers community-based leaders resources, tools and connections to reduce their wildfire risk and increase community resilience. FAC Net is a catalyst for spreading fire adaptation practices and innovations nationwide.
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