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Project C source code Surveys of Native and Introduced Bees of the Woodlands of the Mid-Atlantic
Sam Droege- Biologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Patuzent Wildlife Research Center and Grace Savoy-Burke- Graduate Student, University of Delaware, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology
Located in National Park Service Spotlights / 2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
Project Troff document The GigaFire Project
The GigaFire Project is a set of interconnected research projects focused on quantifying the state and dynamics of wildland fuels as well as the impacts of varying fuel managements on fire severity, long-term carbon sequestration, and water quality.
Located in Resources / / Projects / Fire Mapping/Remote Sensing
File text/texmacs Thematic Areas from Science Needs Portfolio and LCC Funded Projects
Aligning Appalachian LCC funded projects with the thematic areas of our Science Needs Portfolio.
Located in Cooperative / / Past SC Meetings and Materials / July 13-15, 2015 Appalachian LCC Steering Committee Meeting
Project Upcoming Centennial BioBlitz 2016 events in the National Capital Region
James Pieper- Regional Natural Resource Specialist, NPS, Office of Natural Resources and Science
Located in National Park Service Spotlights / 2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
USDA, Partners to Invest $720 Million in Large-Scale, Targeted Conservation Projects across the Nation
Regional Conservation Partnership Program Pools Together $220 Million Investment from USDA, up to $500 Million from Local Partners to Improve Water Quality, Soil Health, Habitat and More
Located in News & Events
Project Welcoming Statement from Spotlight on National Park Resources in the National Capital Region
Robert Vogel, NPS NCR Regional Director
Located in National Park Service Spotlights / 2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources