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Video WLFW Northern bobwhite, Grasslands, and Savannas Framework - Partners’ webinar 3/2/2022
On March 2, 2022 Bridgett Costanzo of NRCS's Working Lands for Wildlife and Jessica McGuire of QF presented on the WLFW framework for NOBO, grasslands and savannas. Ms. Costanzo presented on the content of the new framework document, the priority areas and conservation practice goals set by the 24 NRCS state offices, and responses received from the needs assessment survey. Ms. McGuire presented on staffing and monitoring plans associated with launching this framework.
Located in Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos
Organization Quail Forever
Quail Forever is dedicated to the conservation of quail, pheasants and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public awareness, education, and land management policies and programs.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Rebel Eloy Emanis Pine Savanna and Bird Sanctuary
A private, therapeutic, 50-acre, fledgling, home-grown pine savanna in Deep East Texas.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search