Thomas Minney: The Nature Conservancy
Thomas Minney discusses the potential of the Appalachian LCC, how this organization can address large-scale issues like climate change, and the need to achieve common conservation goals.
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Our Community
Voices from the Community
Scott Robinson: Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership
Coordinator Scott Robinson addresses the obstacles of data collection, preparation, and development and how the LCCs can help standardized this process for all partners to use that will help professionals implement conservation actions.
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Our Community
Voices from the Community
Jim Schaberl: Shenandoah National Park
Jim Schaberl talks about specific research projects taking place in Shenandoah, what he hopes the LCC can accomplish, and why the National Park service is involved in this endeavor
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Our Community
Voices from the Community
Cindy Schulz: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Virginia
Cindy Schulz highlights the value of bringing together many federal, state, and NGO groups to establish relationships and how acquiring access and knowledge of GIS and other information-sharing tools can greatly benefit conservation work being done around the region.
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Our Community
Voices from the Community
Scott Smith: Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Wildlife Ecologist Scott Smith talks about the vital importance of the Appalachians for the survival of salamanders, how the LCCs can facilitate issues between jurisdictions, and help different agencies prioritize conservation efforts.
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Our Community
Voices from the Community
Kimberly Terrell: Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
Kimberly Terrell describes her work studying the biological constraints of salamanders to adjust to climate change and how the regional nature of the LCC can ensure efficiencies for conservation efforts as well as bring managers and researchers together to work towards common conservation goals.
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Our Community
Voices from the Community
Appalachian LCC Conservation Priorities Science Needs Workshop - November 29th-30th, 2011
The workshop will assemble a group of researchers and managers from across the Appalachian region to identify the broad suite of decision-support tools and science information needs to address the conservation challenges and opportunities across the landscape.
Located in
General Resources Holdings
National Landscape Conservation Cooperative Network Concept
LCC Network overview, including map of geographic boundaries of 22 national LCCs including the Appalachian LCC.
Located in
AppLCC Development and Operations Planning
Introduction to the Appalachian LCC
Overview of Appalachian LCC
A brief overview of the landscape setting and natural resources.
Located in
AppLCC Development and Operations Planning
Introduction to the Appalachian LCC
DOI Research Facilities/Programs
A list for DOI agencies.
Located in
Introduction to the Appalachian LCC
Federal Research Capacity within the AppLCC