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Gopher Tortoise Council Newsletter Summer 2019
In This Issue; Message From a Co-Chair; Announcements; Proposal Solicitations; Interview with a Herpetologist; In Appreciation of Dick Franz; Student Spotlight; Recent Research Citations; Education Corner; Georgia Joins in on Gopher Tortoise Day; Upland Snake Conservation Initiative Brochure.
Located in News & Events / Conservation Newsletters / Gopher Tortoise Council Newsletter-The Tortoise Burrow
Defenders Magazine Fall 2019
Florida manatee numbers are up but so are the challenges they face.
Located in News & Events / Conservation Newsletters / Defenders of Wildlife-Defenders Magazine
New Plan Guides Conservation Action On America’s Central And Eastern Grasslands And Savannas
New Plan Guides Conservation Action on America’s Central and Eastern Grasslands and Savannas
Located in News & Events / Conservation Newsletters / Landscape Partnership Newsletters
Appalachian LCC Funds Four Landscape-level Projects
The Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) is investing in conservation projects across the Appalachian region that will support the sustainable management of resources and develop tools and information for conservation delivery.
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PA Mussels Used to Help Restore Streams in Ohio, Illinois, and West Virginia
A joint effort between federal and state agencies, including the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC), has resulted in the successful collection and relocation of approximately 4,000 state and federal endangered northern riffleshell mussels from a site on the Allegheny River along the border of Forest and Venango counties.
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Scientists Locate Natural “Strongholds” that Could Protect Nature in the Face of Climate Change
A new study by The Nature Conservancy has identified a series of landscapes across the American Northeast and southeastern Canada that are predicted to withstand the growing impacts of climate change and help ensure nature’s survival.
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Public Comment on USGS Environmental Health Strategic Science Plan
The draft USGS Environmental Health Strategic Science Plan is open for public comment until September 1, 2012. We would appreciate your thoughts and input.
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Wind energy company requests Endangered Species Act permit for W.Va. project
Beech Ridge Energy has applied to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for an incidental take permit addressing impacts to endangered bats at the company’s wind energy project in Greenbrier and Nicholas counties, West Virginia.
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USDA and Interior Reach Historic Agreement to Support Voluntary Wildlife Conservation Efforts on Working Agricultural Lands
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Chief Dave White and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Director Dan Ashe today announced an agreement that will provide long-term regulatory predictability for up to 30 years to farmers, ranchers and forest landowners participating in NRCS’s Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW) Initiative.
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Appalachian LCC Launches New Community Web Portal
Our new Content Management System (CMS) will provide up-to-date news and information to members, partners, and the general public about the Appalachian LCC’s work, ongoing projects, new products, and publications.
Located in News & Events