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File Summary of LCC National Council Convening Process
Since the creation of the Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) network, concerns have surfaced over the need for a national body to maintain broad national-level support and coordination. In 2011, the Department of Interior (DOI) requested the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution (USIECR) conduct a neutral third-party assessment of national DOI and LCC representatives to gauge potential support, concerns, and recommendations for convening an LCC National Council. Interview findings indicated that there were national-level needs that could not be met through the existing LCC enterprise but were critical to the long-term viability of the LCC network. Respondents recommended that: (1) the Council should not be driven by a single agency/entity; (2) the Council should help coordinate, define, and focus the LCC enterprise; and (3) this Council should respect the self-governing, self-directed nature of the individual LCCs.
Located in Cooperative / The Network / National LCC Council
File Summary Response to Comments Received on the Draft LCC National Charter
In late 2012, the LCC National strategy team sought feedback on the proposed purpose, goals, organizational framework, and composition outlined in the draft charter for the LCC National Council. To obtain partner input, the draft charter was broadly distributed through a series of webinars and via email communication. Partners and other interested parties were encouraged to submit comments.
Located in Cooperative / The Network / National LCC Council
Tennessee River Basin Biodiversity Network Meeting
The Tennessee River Basin Biodiversity Network (Network) is a collaborative effort of conservation interests that is focused on increasing the efficiency, effectiveness, and durability of conservation actions in streams and rivers of the region.
Located in News & Events
Tennessee River Basin Network Workshop and Awards Celebration
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has engaged multiple partners in hosting a Tennessee River Biodiversity Network Meeting.
Located in News & Events / Events
TRBN Science and Communications Teams Kick-Off Meetings
Assistant Coordinator Dr. Mary Davis represented the Appalachian LCC at two meetings that followed up on the Tennessee River Biodiversity Network (TRBN) workshop held in August 2015.
Located in News & Events
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Convenes Meeting with 3 LCCs
For the first time outside of Alaska, staff from multiple LCCs overlapping the same state met with a state agency to solicit feedback and share updates on their cooperatives’ products and tools.
Located in News & Events