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File application/x-troff-ms Federal Non_DOI Research Facilities/Programs
Other Federal facilities and programs beyond DOI.
Located in Resources / / Introduction to the Appalachian LCC / Federal Research Capacity within the AppLCC
FWS Northeast Regional Director Comments on National Academy of Sciences Review of LCCs
On December 3, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) released their Review of the Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) conducted at the request of Congress.
Located in News & Events
FY13 LCC National Funding Opportunity
The National LCC Office has released funding opportunities targeting aquatic resource conservation and developing a network of ecologically functional and connected landscapes.
Located in News & Events
Person chemical/x-pdb Laurent, Ed
Located in Expertise Search
LCC Names New Executive Committee Members
We have tallied all the votes for the election of our next slate of officers who will serve as the Appalachian LCC Chair, Vice Chair, and Executive Committee Officers beginning in April 2016.
Located in News & Events
File LCC National Council Charter
This charter outlines the duties and functions of the LCC National Council that includes: (1) overarching coordination of LCC efforts; (2) consistency between LCCs for coordination and communication to support a cohesive purpose; (3) articulation of shared outcomes; (4) support for collaboration across geographies; and (5) advocacy for LCCs.
Located in Cooperative / The Network / National LCC Council
LCC Network Announces National Council Members
The LCC National Council will work to provide national-level coordination to identify ecological and institutional challenges and successes across the network of 22 LCCs.
Located in News & Events
LCC Network Receives Distinguished Landscape Practitioner Award
The Landscape Conservation Cooperative Network has been selected by the U.S. Chapter of the Association of Landscape Ecology (US-IALE) Awards Committee to receive the Distinguished Landscape Practitioner Award.
Located in News & Events
LCCs and Climate Science Centers (CSCs)
Working together to provide scientific information, tools, and support for decisions to conserve large connected areas that sustain natural and cultural resources and people in a rapidly changing world.
Located in Cooperative / The Network
Learning from Each Other Within the LCC Family
Appalachian LCC Coordinator and Chief Scientist Dr. Jean Brennan recently served on a temporary, 60-day detail for the Arctic LCC helping to identify strategic programmatic and research direction and sharing current efforts to promote the LCCs science delivery in Alaska.
Located in News & Events