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Video Voices of African American Forestry
This short video captures the insights and reflections on past and present issues as well as the future aspirations for African American forestry and land retention. Featuring interviews with African American forest owners in the Southeastern Black Belt who are part of the Sustainable Forestry and African American Land Retention Network (SFLR).
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Do you want better results from your landowner outreach, but already feel overstretched? The Landowner Engagement Guide can help you get more bang for your outreach buck. It serves as a complete guide to designing programs and communications to engage landowners effectively. This resource is built by Tools for Engaging Landowners Effectively (TELE). The guide is based on the TELE method, which is grounded in social science research and has been shown to deliver three times more landowner actions than standard outreach programs. It is full of practical ideas and examples that our team has distilled from working on hundreds of outreach projects all across the US. The guide is organized into short, topical sections so you can easily find what you need to make good decisions. Download the whole guide or go directly to the section relevant to you.
Located in Training / Training Resources Exchange
Landscape-scale conservation enables conservation professionals to understand the biological and social factors at work across a broad range of traditional geopolitical boundaries. With a solid understanding of these factors comes the ability to make sound management decisions based on desired future conditions. However, even the most informed decisions rely on the support of local stakeholders to become successful on the ground. Join host Brad Milley from the National Wildlife Refuge System and Dr. Catherine Doyle-Capitman as they discuss the different scales at which conservation occurs and the importance of integrating local stakeholder participation and social data into collaborative landscape conservation planning. Shared by the FWS through the National Conservation Training Center.
Located in Training / Training Resources Exchange
Organization Pascal source code Rhode Island Woodland Partnership
The Rhode Island Woodland Partnership (RIWP) advances the stewardship and long-term protection of Rhode Island’s woodlands to benefit the local economy, ecological values, and community enjoyment and health. The RIWP strives to increase the impact of forest conservation measures through education and information sharing.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Video Planning Your Landowner Engagement Strategy to Reach Your Big Goals (Part I)
Part 1 of a webinar series from TELE - Tools for Engaging Landowners Effectively
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Video Planning Your Landowner Engagement Strategy to Reach Your Big Goals (Part II)
Part II of a webinar series hosted by TELE - Tools for Engaging Landowners Effectively
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Video Finding and Using Landowner Data - TELE Webinar
TELE (Tools for Engaging Landowners Effectively) shares insights on how practitioners can build upon and use landowner data to meet their needs and yours.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Organization Kootenai Forests to Rivers Initiative
The Kootenai Forests to Rivers Initiative (KFRI) is a new partnership working to connect forest landowners, like you, with resources to help you manage your forest, to meet your priorities. Landowners in Lincoln County were surveyed to identify resources that are valuable to local forest owners. In response to survey findings, our partnership can provide you with informational materials and in-person help from local foresters that will determine if you’re eligible for funding to help your forest.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization x-conference/x-cooltalk USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
NRCS helps America’s farmers, ranchers and forest landowners conserve the nation’s soil, water, air and other natural resources. All programs are voluntary and offer science-based solutions that benefit both the landowner and the environment.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Tools for Engaging Landowners Effectively (TELE)
Tools for Engaging Landowners Effectively (TELE) works with partner organizations from all sectors to help them design and implement more effective programming and outreach. TELE can help you convince more landowners to adopt a desired behavior, whether that’s harvesting timber, permanently conserving land, or anything in between. We can help you connect with your audiences on a more personal and meaningful level. Most importantly, TELE tools and techniques can help you leverage your resources to successfully reach and persuade the right audiences to achieve your landscape level goals
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search