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Learn about the high diversity of plant species in the longleaf pine ecosystem and how to actively manage land to preserve this diversity. The presenters discuss how to maximize wildlife management goals through active management of early successional plant communities. Commonly referred to as early successional habitat, these plant communities benefit a vast array of wildlife species including the northern bobwhite quail, monarch butterfly, and red-cockaded woodpecker.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Organization Octet Stream Southwest Georgia PBA
Our Mission is to provide and support a platform for landowners to share, educate and implement a sound forest and land management practices regarding prescribed burning within Georgia.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization LandPKS
LandPKS tools allow users to learn about the land and produce site-specific data at any specific location in the world. The LandPKS mobile app is free to download for Android and iOS devices. Users can then access and download their data in the form of .csv files from the Data Portal.
Located in Resources / Mobile Apps
Firebreaks are one of the most important elements of a properly conducted prescribed fire. Learn about the different kinds of firebreaks used in prescribed fire, how to build them, and how to prevent erosion after a prescribed burn. Resource designed for landowners, farmers, and producers interested in bringing fire to their land.
Located in Training / Publications, fact sheets, training materials
Smoke management is an important consideration when planning all prescribed burns. Learn about ways to best manage smoke before, during, and after a prescribed burn. Designed for practitioners, landowners, and others interested in prescribed burning.
Located in Training / Publications, fact sheets, training materials