Webinar: Restoration on Private Lands Pt. 2 – Implementation, Biological Control Options, and Restoring for Birds
Part two of this webinar series includes extended Q&A geared towards restoration on private lands.
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Effects of Habitat Alterations on Bog Turtles (Glyptemys muhlenbergii): A Comparison of Two Populations
This study compared Bog Turtle population demography and habitat use from 1994 to 2009 at two sites in Massachusetts, USA: one site was managed for nonnative invasive species and natural succession (Site 1), and the other site was flooded from American Beaver (Castor canadensis) activity resulting in an expansion of nonnative invasive plants (Site 2).
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Peer-reviewed Science
Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust
The Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area is a unique geographic corridor made up of connected ecosystems and communities spanning 1.5 million acres from Seattle to Ellensburg along Interstate-90 in Washington state. The Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust is a coalition-based organization that leads and inspires action to conserve and enhance this special landscape, ensuring a long-term balance between people and nature.
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Goats Help Restore Golden-Wing Warbler Habitat
While we could have gone in with a bush hog mower, we tried something new this year – goats, adorable and effective goats.
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Golden-Winged Warbler Habitat Project Update from Southeast Trust for Parks & Land (STPAL)
Southeast Trust for Parks & Land (STPAL) and their Wildlife Consultant, Vic Vansant, is undertaking a project with Ecoforester, Carolina Audubon, USDA Equip program, and State of North Carolina Forestry and DENR to create 16-acres of habitat for the “near threatened” golden-winged warbler (GWWA) on 750-acres Bald Mountain Creek Nature Preserve in Yancey County, NC. This bird’s population has declined 98% in the Appalachians in the past 45 years, primarily due to habitat loss.
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New Jersey Bog Turtle Conservation Initiative: Working with Landowners and Communities
The Endangered and Nongame Species Program created and is implementing a comprehensive management initiative to provide long term conservation of the important bog turtle populations in New Jersey.
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Bog Turtle News
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Central Appalachia Habitat Stewardship Program Announces Funding for Projects to Support Hellbender Conservation
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has has announced grant awards for the 2022 cycle of its Central Appalachia Habitat Stewardship Program and several of the awards will benefit Eastern hellbenders.
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Eastern Hellbender News
Norwalk River Watershed Association
The Norwalk River Watershed Association, incorporated in 1996, is a nonprofit membership organization whose mission is to improve the water quality and fish and wildlife habitats of the 40,000-acre Norwalk River watershed; to restore the riverbanks, meadows and forests through invasive plant abatement and promotion of native species; to encourage recreational use of the river, the surrounding open space and its trails; and to promote research, legislative advocacy, education, cooperation, and action on the part of the stakeholders in the seven watershed towns in CT (Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton, New Canaan, Weston, and Norwalk) and NY (Lewisboro).
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Canaan Valley Institute (CVI)
Canaan Valley Institute (CVI) is driven by a mission to ensure the Appalachian region has healthy streams — a critical economic engine for rural communities. CVI’s approach for clean and healthy rivers creates positive results environmentally AND economically.
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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has approximately 37,000 dedicated Civilians and Soldiers delivering engineering services to customers in more than 130 countries worldwide.
With environmental sustainability as a guiding principle, the Corps team strengthens our Nation’s security by building and maintaining America’s infrastructure and providing military facilities where our servicemembers train, work and live. They research and develop technology while protecting America’s interests, promoting stability, and improving quality of life.
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