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File App LCC FWS Ecoregions
This depicts FWS Ecoregions based on Watersheds
Located in Apps, Maps, & Data / Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets / Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
File App LCC TNC Terrestrial Ecoregions
Depicts the Terrestrial Ecoregions produced by TNC; based on USFS subsection map (Keyes et al. 1995)
Located in Apps, Maps, & Data / Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets / Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
Image App LCC Potential Karstic Carbonate Rocks
Karst is a landscape produced by dissolution of rocks and the development of subterranean drainages dominated by the flow of ground water in enlarged conduits. Karst landscapes typically include cave entrances, sinkholes, losing streams, springs, and large and small-scale features on bedrock surfaces.
Located in Apps, Maps, & Data / Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets / Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
Rich Nauman of Esri presents on how Esri web services have been applied to PAD-US data, creating many options for using PAD-US in web applications and on desktop GIS systems. Approximately 15 minutes.
Located in Apps, Maps, & Data
The Central Appalachia Prosperity Project is part of the Presidential Climate Action Project to develop policy recommendations on climate and energy security, with a focus on what the next President of the United States could accomplish using his or her executive authority. The Central Appalachian Project draws on the input of America's most innovative experts to produce policy and program recommendations that are sufficiently bold to expedite the region's transition to a clean energy economy. An important component of these recommendations has been better coordination of the efforts being made by all levels of government - federal, regional, state and local.
Located in Cultural Resources / Socioeconomics / Socio-economic Projects
File Pascal source code WLFW Northern bobwhite, Grasslands, and Savannas National Map
Attached pdf of the national boundary for the new framework for conservation action (2022). Shapefiles available under "Boundaries and Priority Areas"
Located in Information / Maps and Spatial Data
Cindy Schulz: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Virginia
Cindy Schulz highlights the value of bringing together many federal, state, and NGO groups to establish relationships and how acquiring access and knowledge of GIS and other information-sharing tools can greatly benefit conservation work being done around the region.
Located in Our Community / Voices from the Community
Conservation Design: An online geospatial portal
Conservation Design: An online geospatial portal
Located in Resources / Videos
File Map of Bird Joint Ventures within AppLCC Boundary
The Central Hardwoods JV and Appalachian Mountain JV both cover portions of the AppLCC boundary.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings / AppLCC Development and Operations Planning
File Map of Fisheries Partnerships within AppLCC Boundary
The Eastern Brook Trout JV, Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership, and Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership all lie within the AppLCC boundary.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings / AppLCC Development and Operations Planning