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FY2015 Brook Trout Conservation Funding Opportunity
The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV) is seeking project proposals focused on conserving the habitats needed to support healthy and productive wild Brook Trout populations.
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USDA Provides $328 Million to Conserve Wetlands and Farmland, Boost Economy
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today that $328 million in conservation funding is being invested to help landowners protect and restore key farmlands, grasslands and wetlands across the nation. The USDA initiative will benefit wildlife and promote outdoor recreation and related sectors of the economy.
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$35 Million in Grants to Boost State Endangered Species Conservation Efforts Funding to 20 states will help collaborative efforts to conserve America’s most imperiled species
Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe today announced nearly $35 million in grants to 20 states to enable collaborative efforts to conserve many of America’s imperiled species, ranging from the red cockaded woodpecker in the Southeast to a variety of bat species in the Midwest to a colorful flower in the Rocky Mountains.
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AMJV Partnership Receives $8 Million RCPP Award to Enhance Cerulean Habitat
A project proposal from the Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture (AMJV) Partnership was one of 115 high-impact projects to receive in total more than $370 million as part of the new Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today.
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Conservation Efforts Successful Thanks to Hunters & Anglers
Every time a hunter or angler purchases a sporting license, or buys hunting and fishing equipment or related items, they are participating in a subtle, yet successful conservation program that has been at work for more than 75 years.
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TWRA Announces Availability of Riparian Tree Planting Grants
The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency announces the availability of grant dollars to assist cities, schools, community organizations, civic groups, watershed organizations, and conservation groups, etc., with riparian tree planting projects.
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USDA, Partners to Invest $720 Million in Large-Scale, Targeted Conservation Projects across the Nation
Regional Conservation Partnership Program Pools Together $220 Million Investment from USDA, up to $500 Million from Local Partners to Improve Water Quality, Soil Health, Habitat and More
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Announcing Deadlines for Southeast Grants
The Open Space Institute is now inviting proposals for two complementary land conservation grant funds in the Southeast: Southern Cumberland Land Protection Fund and Southeast Resilient Landscapes Fund.
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Climate Adaptation Fund Announce Latest round of Grantmaking
Read the 2016 Request for Proposals, review the Applicant Guidance Document and submit a completed WCS Pre-proposal Application using our online application form no later than 5:00 PM EDT on Friday, April 8, 2016.
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SARP Announces FY 2016 Aquatic Habitat Restoration Project Awards
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has approved National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) projects to receive USFWS-NFHP FY 2016 funding.
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