Endangered Species Act Protections Proposed for Two Appalachian Crayfishes in Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia
Just as the central Appalachian landscape was beginning to undergo changes related to early 20th century mining, logging and population growth, researchers documented a number of crayfish species in the streams of this area known for its natural beauty and diverse wildlife. Two of these crayfishes, the Big Sandy crayfish and the Guyandotte River crayfish, are now in danger of extinction.
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USFWS Region 5 Endangered Species Act Update
A periodic update pertaining to recovery planning and implementation, incidental take, and other information related to the Endangered Species Act within Region 5 of the USFWS.
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New National Wildlife Refuge Established to Protect Some of Appalachia’s Rarest Places
The Mountain Bogs National Wildlife Refuge became America’s 563rd refuge today.
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Genetics Provide New Hope for Endangered Freshwater Mussels
A piece of the restoration puzzle to save populations of endangered freshwater mussels may have been found, according to a recent U.S. Geological Survey led study. Local population losses in a river may not result in irreversible loss of mussel species; other mussels from within the same river could be used as sources to restore declining populations.
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Conserving imperiled species in the Upper Tennessee River Basin
When we think of river life, for many of us a handful of animals may come to mind – trout, smallmouth bass, muskie. But in the Southern Appalachians, waters of the Upper Tennessee River Basin are alive with a whopping 255 species of fish and mussels.
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FishBrain and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partner to Create App-powered Citizen Science Engagement Opportunity Tracking Endangered Species
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – the federal government agency dedicated to the conservation of fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats – has teamed up with FishBrain – the world’s largest free-to-use app and social network for anglers – to launch a new feature of the app that will help the American public identify and document threatened, endangered and candidate species.
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Endangered Species Act Protection Not Needed for 10 Species in the Southeast
The Cumberland arrow darter, Shawnee darter, Sequatchie caddisfly, American eel, and six Tennessee cave beetles do not need protection under the Endangered Species Act.
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Power Companies, Tribe, Agencies Take Steps to Save Rare Fish
Power companies, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, and state and federal agencies have come together to conserve the sicklefin redhorse, a fish found in only six Appalachian counties worldwide and being considered for the federal endangered species list.
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Competitive State Wildlife Grant Awarded for Eastern Hellbender Research
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) recently awarded a Competitive State Wildlife Grant (C-SWG) to the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) to conduct research on the eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus a. alleganiensis).
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Partners in Flight 2016 Landbird Conservation Plan Released
Scientists Document Widespread Declines, Urgent Need for Conservation of Landbirds in U.S. and Canada. Report calls for unprecedented partnerships across public and private sectors to reverse trends throughout bird’s life-cycles.
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