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Organization chemical/x-mdl-rdfile United States Coast Guard
Since 1790, the Coast Guard has safeguarded the American people and promoted national security, border security, and economic prosperity in a complex and evolving maritime environment. The Coast Guard saves those in peril and protects the Nation from all maritime threats.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Allows users to explore barriers to aquatic connectivity — dams and road-stream crossings– and identify likely high priorities for removal or improved fish passage for different objectives as well as to run custom analyses.
Located in Learning & Tech Transfer / Apps, Maps, & Data
Coastal resilience is an increasingly important topic as impacts from climate change such as accelerated sea level rise and enhanced storm intensity gain prominence. The Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013, which was motivated by Hurricane Sandy related damage, supported many projects throughout the affected region, including the projects found in the following pages.
Located in Resources