Fire and a Changing Climate - Fueling Collaboration
Webinar from the Fueling Collaboration Series. Jenifer Bunty (Consortium of Appalachian Fire Managers & Scientists/Clemson University) moderates a panel of fire professionals and climate change specialists. They discuss how to incorporate climate change predictions/models into forest and fire management and give updates on the latest fire science and climate change research.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
Regenerative Agriculture: No-Till Farming
Gabe Brown, legendary Rancher from Bismarck, North Dakota, discusses how Regenerative Agriculture is a solution to local and global challenges.
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Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
Coastal Resiliency
Coastal resilience is an increasingly important topic as impacts from climate change such as accelerated sea level rise and enhanced storm intensity gain prominence. The Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013, which was motivated by Hurricane Sandy related damage, supported many projects throughout the affected region, including the projects found in the following pages.
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Online Screening of "One Stick at a Time
This film follows land managers in the Methow Valley, Washington for over a year, from forests to rivers, from fires to snowfall, from beaver capture to release as they try to come to grips with the impacts of climate change and the possible adaptation options right in front of them.
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News & Events
“One Stick at a Time” in pursuit of climate adaptations for a more sustainable future
This film follows land managers in the Methow Valley, Washington for over a year, from forests to rivers, from fires to snowfall, from beaver capture to release as they try to come to grips with the impacts of climate change and the possible adaptation options right in front of them. It is a conversation starter for answering the question "What can I do?" With support from the best climate experts in the Northwest, it is a chance for each of us to think about what our landscapes will be like ten decades from now. It is a nudge to start today to make our surroundings better than they would be if we did nothing. The film was conceived as part of the 10 Decades Project, the goal of which is to inspire thousands of us to take measurable, concrete steps for climate adaptation in every area for which we are responsible.
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Videos and Webinars
Scientists: Strong evidence that human-caused climate change intensified 2015 heat waves
Human-caused climate change very likely increased the severity of heat waves that plagued India, Pakistan, Europe, East Africa, East Asia, and Australia in 2015 and helped make it the warmest year on record, according to new research published today in a special edition of the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
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News & Events
USGS Study Reveals Interactive Effects of Climate Change, Invasive Species on Native Fish
A new USGS study shows non-native Brown Trout can place a burden on native Brook Trout under the increased water temperatures climate change can cause.
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News & Events
A Race Against the Clock for Brook Trout Conservation
Are brook trout destined for extinction? That is a future that Shannon White, a Ph.D. student working with Dr. Tyler Wagner at the USGS Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at Penn State University, is working to avoid.
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News & Events
South-Central Interior Small Stream and Riparian Habitat
This habitat was assessed in both the Cumberland - Southern Appalachian subregion and the Interior Low Plateau subregion. Results are in the first two tabs of the spreadsheet. A description of the habitat, and a list of associated species, is included in the description tab. The remaining tabs describe the individual factors and their definitions. These results are in the review stage. Please send comments to lesley_sneddon@natureserve.org.
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Phase II: Vulnerability Assessments
Habitat Vulnerability Assessments
The eDNA revolution & developing comprehensive aquatic biodiversity archives
Measuring & understanding the effects of climate change on aquatic life requires an accurate baseline status assessment that can serve as a benchmark for comparisons through time.
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