Vulnerability of at-risk species to climate change in New York
This report provides the methods and results of climate change vulnerability assessments of 119 species in New York.
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Assessing Vulnerability of Species and Habitats to Large-scale Impacts
Vulnerability Assessments Source Materials
What are Future Climate Projections for Precipitation and Temperature for Your County?
For the first time, maps and summaries of historical and projected temperature and precipitation changes for the 21st century for the continental U.S. are accessible at a county-by-county level on a website developed by the U.S. Geological Survey in collaboration with the College of Earth, Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University.
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News & Events
What is Ecological Drought? Exploring its impacts on natural and cultural resources
In 2017 the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center (NCCWSC), in partnership with the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC), will be dedicating their webinar series to ecological drought with presentations from NCCWSC and the DOI Climate Science Centers (CSCs).
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News & Events
What stakeholders need to know about the relationships between water resources and climate change
Christine Hatch speaks at UMass Amherst as part of the Northeast Climate Science Center Colloquium on November 28th, 2012.
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Videos and Webinars
White House Climate Data Initiative
Here you can find data related to climate change that can help inform and prepare America’s communities, businesses, and citizens. Initially, in this pilot phase, you can find data and resources related to coastal flooding, sea level rise, and their impacts. Over time, you will be able to find additional data and tools relevant to other important climate-related impacts, including risks to human health, the food supply, and energy infrastructure. Please share your feedback.
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Planning In Practice
Conservation Planning Projects
whitman et al. 2010 climate change exposure ME.pdf
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LP Members
Project Documents
Wildlife Conservation Society Conservation Challenges - Climate Change
Climate change is arguably the pre-eminent challenge facing the conservation of wildlife and wild places. The WCS North America Program is addressing this challenge to ensure the long-term success of our conservation efforts. Warming has already begun to affect wildlife by shifting species’ ranges, altering the timing of seasonal events, decreasing snowpacks and streamflows, increasing lake and stream water temperatures, and melting glaciers and sea ice. As North America and the rest of the planet continue to warm, the conservation of diminishing water sources will likely become a major focus for local communities and public land managers. Other anticipated changes include the expansion of severe wildfires, increased drought frequency and severity, increased plant and wildlife disease outbreaks and insect infestations, and the degradation of vulnerable habitats, all with major implications for wildlife. There is a growing need for conservation actions now to help offset inevitable changes in landscapes and wildlife populations.
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General Resources Holdings
Williams et al 2008 vulnerability climate change.pdf
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LP Members
Project Documents
Workshop Approach for Developing Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Actions for Natural Resource Management Agencies in the United States
Workshop Approach for Developing Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Actions for Natural Resource Management Agencies in the United States Image
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