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A Stream Classification System for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative

Unifying state-based stream classifications into a single consistent system, principal investigators at The Nature Conservancy developed a hierarchical classification system and map for stream and river systems for the Appalachian LCC that represents the region’s natural flowing-water aquatic habitats. This river classification information is needed to develop and implement instream flow standards and management recommendations so that environmental flows can become integral to all water management decisions from the onset.

The study includes a report describing the methods used to evaluate and develop the classification system, a literature review of existing stream classifications, and a GIS stream data set. The results can be used to understand ecological flow relationships and inform conservation planning for aquatic biodiversity in the region

Appalachian LCC FY 2011-12 Project Funding

Throughout Appalachian LCC Boundary
A Stream Classification System for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Project ID
Start Date: January 01, 2013
End Date: December 31, 2014
Project Leader:
Other Investigators:
Participating Organizations/Partners