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News from SECAS August 2024 Newsletter

SECAS August newsletter: Updated map features SECAS success stories, register for a Blueprint workshop, Amanda says farewell, and more

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Register now for a 2024 Blueprint workshop!

by Hilary Morris, User Support & Communications, Southeast Conservation Blueprint

Registration is now open for virtual workshops to review the latest version of the Southeast Conservation Blueprint! These workshops will be hosted via Zoom in late October and early November following the official Blueprint release later this fall. Based on feedback from past attendees, we've changed the timing of workshops this year, so you'll be reviewing the final version instead of a draft. To accommodate scheduling conflicts, each state and territory within the SECAS region will be covered by at least two workshops. To sign up, >>visit Hilary's blog...

SECAS in Action story map updated to showcase recent successes across the region

by Hilary Morris, User Support & Communications, Southeast Conservation Blueprint

If you've spent much time poking around the SECAS website, you may have noticed the "In Action" button on the top menu bar. This takes you to a story map that showcases examples of how SECAS is making a real difference for conservation, both as a regional forum for collaboration, and through its products and tools. Staff have just completed a major update to that story map to feature examples from every state and territory in the SECAS geography! You'll find stories about supporting America the Beautiful Challenge grants, helping the U.S. Forest Service prioritize regional efforts, advocating for data equity in the U.S. Caribbean, informing renewable energy siting, and much more. To check it out, >>read Hilary's blog...