Field Day at Mountain Research Station
The Field Day at the Mountain Research Station in Waynesville, NC will be a great event for agricultural producers to get the latest updates on agricultural research and to see the latest and best available tools and equipment at the trade show. The NRCS Partner Biologists for the Hellbender Working Lands for Wildlife Initiative will be in attendance with information about the program.
IN Workshop - Native grasses in Prescribed Grazing Systems
Using Native Warm-Season Grasses in a Grazing System Participants will learn the latest research-supported methods for reliable native forage establishment and grazing management to maintain grass vigor and animal performance through the summer. This training is being presented by The Center for Native Grasslands Management and NBCI through a grant provided by Quail Forever and the Natural Resources Conservation Service in support of the Working Lands For Wildlife: Bobwhite in Grasslands project. Topics to be covered: Bobwhite basics, bobwhite habitat considerations in grazing lands Overview of native warm-season grass (NWSG) establishment Why use NWSG in your grazing system – animal performance and economics How to manage NWSG forages – maintaining vigor and productivity, impact on bobwhite and other grassland birds NWSG in complementary cool-season grass systems. Registration: No registration fee, but registration is required. Please RSVP to Lunch will be provided to participants.