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You are here: Home / Information / Research / WLFW Outcomes: Funded Research / Outcomes from Delivery of NRCS's WLFW-Bobwhite in Managed Pine Savannahs

Outcomes from Delivery of NRCS's WLFW-Bobwhite in Managed Pine Savannahs

In 2016, the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s Working Lands for Wildlife partnership began funding management activities designed to enhance, restore, and protect bobwhites habitat on private lands. Through the WLFW program, NRCS is able to assist landowners to voluntarily create and maintain bobwhite habitat in order to support the range-wide recovery of the species. In 2018, NRCS entered into an agreement with the University of Georgia to assess habitat outcomes and bobwhite population response to our conservation actions. n collaboration with the University of Georgia, NRCS is now looking to monitor some of these managed lands to help tease out habitat features that promote excellent bobwhite habitat. If possible, additional information (e.g., other forestry management actions employed) may also be collected through interviews with landowners and/or conservation partners.

Pilot data was collected in 2018-19.

This project is funded by NRCS-Working Lands for Wildlife-Northern Bobwhite

Study sites will be selected across the Southeast from among past prescribed fire and forest stand improvement contracts executed primarily by NRCS under the WLFW-Bobwhite partnership.
Outcomes from Delivery of NRCS's WLFW-Bobwhite in Managed Pine Savannahs
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