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5B Restoration Coalition

The 5B Restoration Coalition or 5BRC (named to reflect the license plate code for Blaine County, ID) has worked to collaboratively develop priorities, build stronger private-public partnerships, and encourage community stewardship for sustainable outcomes. The 5BRC is working to apply the region's best thinking across sectors, developing creative and effective solutions that will generate both community and ecological resilience for future natural events.

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Arizona Antelope Foundation

Our mission is to increase pronghorn populations in Arizona through habitat improvements, habitat acquisition, the translocation of animals to historic range, and public comment on activities affecting pronghorn and their habitat. As a 501c3 nonprofit, all of our proceeds help advance our mission.

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Arizona Game and Fish Department

Arizona is rich in wildlife diversity, ranking among the top five states in the nation when it comes to the total number of native bird, reptile and mammal species – more than 800.

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Association for Fire Ecology

The Association for Fire Ecology is an organization of professionals dedicated to improving the knowledge and use of fire in land management through science and education.

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Bird Conservancy of the Rockies

Mission: conserving birds and their habitats through science, education and land stewardship.

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Bitterroot Conservation District

The Bitterroot Conservation District is a board of seven locally elected officials that deal with the natural resource concerns of Ravalli County, Montana.

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Blue Forest Conservation

Blue Forest is a mission-driven, non-profit organization creating sustainable financial solutions to meet pressing environmental challenges. Our flagship financial product, the Forest Resilience Bond (FRB), deploys private capital to finance forest restoration projects on private and public lands to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire.

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Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

The Bureau of Land Management's mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. he BLM was established in 1946, but its roots go back to the years after America’s independence, when the young nation began acquiring additional lands. At first, these lands were used to encourage homesteading and westward migration. The General Land Office was created in 1812 to support this national goal. Over time, values and attitudes regarding public lands shifted, and President Harry S. Truman, by means of a government reorganization, merged the GLO and another agency, the U.S. Grazing Service, creating the BLM.

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Colorado State Forest Service

The mission of the Colorado State Forest Service is to achieve stewardship of Colorado’s diverse forest environments for the benefit of present and future generations. We are a service and outreach agency of the Warner College of Natural Resources at Colorado State University.

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Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes

The Flathead Indian Reservation is home to three tribes, the Bitterroot Salish, Upper Pend d’Oreille, and the Kootenai. The territories of these three tribes covered all of western Montana and extended into parts of Idaho, British Columbia and Wyoming. The Hellgate Treaty of 1855 established the Flathead Reservation, but over half a million acres passed out of Tribal ownership during land allotment that began in 1904.

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Custer Gallatin Working Group

The Custer Gallatin Working Group is a collaborative established in July 2014 to develop agreement around priority areas and approaches for project work on the Custer Gallatin National Forest, and to help facilitate timely completion of those projects at the local level.

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Great Basin Fire Science Exchange

The Great Basin Fire Science Exchange (GBFSE) connects land managers and scientists to improve pre- and post-fire management decisions by providing relevant information and access to technical expertise. This project is one of 15 regional Fire Science Exchanges funded by the Joint Fire Science Program.

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Great Plains Fire Science Exchange

The Great Plains Fire Science Exchange exists to assist land managers and the fire community to make sound decisions based on the best possible information.

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Haskell Indian Nations University

Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) is the premiere tribal university in the United States, offering quality education to Native American students. Haskell’s faculty and staff is also predominantly native. Through the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP), Haskell has been able to create a pit pond that was modified to control the water level. Controlling the water level will help Haskell benefit the wildlife that pass through and/or live on campus. Besides creating another water source, Haskell planted some of the pasturelands back to tallgrass prairie.

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Idaho Fish and Game

Idaho Fish and Game's mission is to protect, preserve, perpetuate and manage Idaho's wildlife resources.

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Klamath Lake Forest Health Partnership (KLFHP)

The Klamath Lake Forest Health Partnership (KLFHP) is a cooperative network of diverse local and regional partners who have come together to address forestland management in the region.

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Kootenai Forest Stakeholders Coalition

The Kootenai Forest Stakeholders Coalition (KFSC) is a Montana-made partnership of recreationalists, business owners, timber mill operators and conservationists. Together, we are deeply invested in the future of the Kootenai National Forest (KNF).

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Kootenai Forests to Rivers Initiative

The Kootenai Forests to Rivers Initiative (KFRI) is a new partnership working to connect forest landowners, like you, with resources to help you manage your forest, to meet your priorities. Landowners in Lincoln County were surveyed to identify resources that are valuable to local forest owners. In response to survey findings, our partnership can provide you with informational materials and in-person help from local foresters that will determine if you’re eligible for funding to help your forest.

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La Veta Fire Protection District

The men and women of the La Veta Fire Protection District are willing put their lives on hold and in harm’s way to serve, educate, protect, and mitigate hazards for the community and the people they love. Each volunteer is dedicated to preparing for, training for, and responding to all hazards and medical emergencies that effect their community, striving to make a difference for the greater good, the people of the District, and the surrounding neighborhoods.

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Lakeview Stewardship Group

The Lakeview Stewardship Group has as its goal “a sustainable forest that will ensure quality of life for present and future generations.” It works to achieve that goal through the incorporation of restoration and community values in the management of the Lakeview Federal Stewardship Unit (LFSU).

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