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Video Learn All About Hellbenders and Take a Tour
Do you know what a hellbender is or where they can be found? This live session will answer those questions for you, show you what they look like by taking you on a virtual tour, share where they live, what they like to eat and who their predators are.
Located in Online Training Resources / Webinars and Videos
Local Brewery Creates Beer to Help the Hellbender
Lafayette Brewing Company designed the "Hellbent to Help" fundraiser to help raise funds for hellbender research, conservation and education.
Located in News & Events
Everyone c​an do something to Help the Hellbender. On this website, you will find information about the hellbender, as well as household and farm management practices that can help keep our rivers and streams clean. People who fish and kayak can also learn what they should do if they see a hellbender in the wild.
Located in Online Training Resources / Training Resources
Organization ECMAScript program Purdue Extension-Forestry and Natural Resources
Purdue Extension-Forestry and Natural Resources is a part of a larger group, the Cooperative Extension Service (CES), one of the nation’s largest and best-researched providers of science-based information and education. The Purdue Extension-Forestry and Natural Resources is a great resource and reaches out not only to the state of Indiana but worldwide. We provide resources for aquaculture, fish management, urban and forestry management, natural resource planning, wildlife, and sustainable biomaterials. We encourage you to browse, download free publications, view workshops on the Purdue Extension-FNR Calendar, ask an expert, view Purdue Extension Annual Report and visit other sites that have been added as helpful links.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
The Hellbender is a giant, aquatic salamander that has experienced severe population declines throughout its range. It is a sensitive species and there are a number of factors contributing to its declines. To help address the varied threats facing the Hellbender, Help the Hellbender has produced several new products focused on educating both stakeholders and the general public on ways that they can help protect hellbenders.
Located in Online Training Resources / Training Resources
USDA Awards 'Farmers Helping Hellbenders' Project $2.7 Million in Funding
The “Farmers Helping Hellbenders” project is among the projects set to receive funding through the RCCP Classic fund, which uses NRCS contracts and easements with producers, landowners and communities in collaboration with project partners.
Located in News & Events