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File Troff document Connect the Connecticut Report
Connect the Connecticut Report - report summarizing the process and results of the project. May 2016.
Located in Projects / Connecticut River Watershed Pilot / Documents
File North Atlantic LCC Science Strategy
Original North Atlantic LCC Science Strategy primarily organized around Northeast Conservation Framework. Matrix at end updated annually. Recent updates will be provided separately.
Located in Cooperative / / AppLCC-NALCC_reporting_coord / NA - general resource materials
File North Atlantic LCC - NFWPCAS Strategy Crosswalk
North Atlantic LCC - NFWPCAS Crosswalk of strategies and actions
Located in Cooperative / / AppLCC-NALCC_reporting_coord / Climate and Nat'l Adaptation Reporting
File Map: CT River Watershed - Terrestrial and Aquatic Cores
DRAFT Maps for illustrative purposes only. Side by side maps of the entire Connecticut River Watershed. These maps show (1) potential terrestrial cores contrasting the slicing vs. the kernel approach and (2) a preliminary example of how the aquatic cores might look. Both are highly subject to change.
Located in Projects / / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 07-25-2014
File Map: CT River Watershed - Terrestrial Core Areas
DRAFT Maps for illustrative purposes only. Side by side maps of the entire Connecticut River Watershed. Two methods of creating core terrestrial areas are shown: the continuously scaled draft selection index and the kernel-expansion method in which the top 5% of the index (at left) is used as seeds to grow core areas until 30% of the landscape is represented.
Located in Projects / / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 07-25-2014
File application/x-troff-ms Map: CT River Watershed - Stream Temperature, Rare Systems
DRAFT Maps for illustrative purposes only. Side by side maps of the entire Connecticut River Watershed. Headwater stream temperature sensitivity (USGS) and Rare Natural Communities are shown. These are two of the spatial datasets to be incorporated into the overall selection index for the conservation design.
Located in Projects / / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 07-25-2014
File Map: CT River Watershed - Combined IEI, Resiliency
DRAFT Maps for illustrative purposes only. Side by side maps of the entire Connecticut River Watershed. The Index of Ecological Integrity (UMass) and Resilient Sites for Terrestrial Conservation (The Nature Conservancy) are combined to highlight areas where these two indices align or diverge in their relative assessment of the landscape. These are two of the spatial datasets to be incorporated into the overall selection index for the conservation design.
Located in Projects / / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 07-25-2014
File Map: CT River Watershed - IEI and Resiliency
DRAFT Maps for illustrative purposes only. Side by side maps of the entire Connecticut River Watershed. The Index of Ecological Integrity (UMass) and Resilient Sites for Terrestrial Conservation (The Nature Conservancy) are shown. These are two of the spatial datasets to be incorporated into the overall selection index for the conservation design.
Located in Projects / / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 07-25-2014
File Document: Summary points from the USFWS Connecticut River Coordinator 1-15-14
Summary points from the USFWS Connecticut River Coordinator/Executive Assistant to the Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission (CRASC), Ken Sprankle. Presented at LCC Connecticut River Pilot Meeting, 01-15-14.
Located in Projects / / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team / Connecticut River Pilot - FWS Members Meeting 01-15-2014
File Document: Action Items and Meeting Notes 01-15-2014
Action items from preliminary Connecticut River Pilot meeting and notes from the day.
Located in Projects / / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team / Connecticut River Pilot - FWS Members Meeting 01-15-2014