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File PDF document A century of climate and ecosystem change in Western Montana: what do temperature trends portend?
Abstract The physical science linking human-induced increases ingreenhouse gasses to the warming of the global climate system is well established, but the implications of this warming for ecosystem processes and services at regional scales is still poorly understood. Thus, the objectives of this work were to: (1) describe rates of change in temperature averages and extremes for western Montana, a region containing sensitive resources and ecosystems, (2) investigate associations between Montana temperature change to hemispheric and global temperature change, (3) provide climate analysis tools for land and resource managers responsible for researching and maintaining renewable resources, habitat, and threatened/endangered species and (4) integrate our findings into a more general assessment of climate impacts on ecosystem processes and services over the past century. Over 100 years of daily and monthly temperature data collected in western Montana, USA are analyzed for long-term changes in seasonal averages and daily extremes. In particular, variability and trends in temperature above or below ecologically and socially meaningful thresholds within this region (e.g., −17.8◦C (0◦F), 0◦C (32◦F), and 32.2◦C (90◦F)) are assessed. The daily temperature time series reveal extremely cold days (≤ −17.8◦C) terminate on average 20 days earlier and decline in number, whereas extremely hot days (≥32◦C) show a three-fold increase in number and a 24-day increase in seasonal window during which they occur. Results show that regionally important thresholds have been exceeded, the most recent of which include the timing and number of the 0◦C freeze/thaw temperatures during spring and fall. Finally, we close with a discussion on the implications for Montana’s ecosystems. Special attention is given to critical processes that respond non-linearly as temperatures exceed critical thresholds, and have positive feedbacks that amplify the changes.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document EPA and the Army Corps’ Proposed Rule to Define “Waters of the United States”
Excerpt from summary : According to the agencies, the proposed rule would revise the existing regulatory definition of “waters of the United States” consistent with legal rulings—especially the Supreme Court cases—and science concerning the interconnectedness of tributaries, wetlands, and other waters to downstream waters and effects of these connections on the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of downstream waters. Waters that are “jurisdictional” are subject to the multiple regulatory requirements of the CWA: standards, discharge limitations, permits, and enforcement. Non-jurisdictional waters, in contrast, do not have the federal legal protection of those requirements. This report describes the March 25 proposed rule and includes a table comparing the existing regulatory language that defines “waters of the United States” with that in the proposal.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Divergent phenological response to hydroclimate variability in forested mountain watersheds
Mountain watersheds are primary sources of freshwater, carbon sequestration, and other ecosystem services. There is significant interest in the effects of climate change and variability on these processes over short to long time scales. Much of the impact of hydroclimate variability in forest ecosystems is manifested in vegetation dynamics in space and time. In steep terrain, leaf phenology responds to topoclimate in complex ways, and can produce specific and measurable shifts in landscape forest patterns. The onset of spring is usually delayed at a specific rate with increasing elevation (often called Hopkins’ Law; Hopkins, 1918), reflecting the dominant controls of temperature on greenup timing. Contrary with greenup, leaf senescence shows inconsistent trends along elevation gradients. Here, we present mechanisms and an explanation for this variability and its significance for ecosystem patterns and services in response to climate. We use moderate-resolution imaging spectro-radiometer (MODIS) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data to derive landscape-induced phenological patterns over topoclimate gradients in a humid temperate broadleaf forest in southern Appalachians. These phenological patterns are validated with different sets of field observations. Our data demonstrate that divergent behavior of leaf senescence with elevation is closely related to late growing season hydroclimate variability in temperature and water balance patterns. Specifically, a drier late growing season is associated with earlier leaf senescence at low elevation than at middle elevation. The effect of drought stress on vegetation senescence timing also leads to tighter coupling between growing season length and ecosystem water use estimated from observed precipitation and runoff generation. This study indicates increased late growing season drought may be leading to divergent ecosystem response between high and low elevation forests. Landscape-induced phenological patterns are easily observed over wide areas and may be used as a unique diagnos- tic for sources of ecosystem vulnerability and sensitivity to hydroclimate change. Keywords: drought deciduousness, hydroclimate variability, landscape phenology, MODIS NDVI, topoclimate gradient
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Changes in winter precipitation extremes for the western United States under a warmer climate as simulated by regional climate models
We find a consistent and statistically significant increase in the intensity of future extreme winter precipitation events over the western United States, as simulated by an ensemble of regional climate models (RCMs) driven by IPCC AR4 global climate models (GCMs). All eight simulations analyzed in this work consistently show an increase in the intensity of extreme winter precipitation with the multi-model mean projecting an area-averaged 12.6% increase in 20-year return period and 14.4% increase in 50-year return period daily precipitation. In contrast with extreme precipitation, the multi-model ensemble shows a decrease in mean winter precipitation of approximately 7.5% in the southwestern US, while the interior west shows less statistically robust increases.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Beaver (Castor canadensis) mitigate the effects of climate on the area of open water in boreal wetlands in western Canada
Shallow open water wetlands provide critical habitat for numerous species, yet they have become increasingly vulnerable to drought and warming temperatures and are often reduced in size and depth or disappear during drought. We examined how temperature, precipitation and beaver (Castor canadensis) activity influenced the area of open water in wetlands over a 54- year period in the mixed-wood boreal region of east-central Alberta, Canada. This entire glacial landscape with intermittently connected drainage patterns and shallow wetland lakes with few streams lost all beaver in the 19th century, with beaver returning to the study area in 1954. We assessed the area of open water in wetlands using 12 aerial photo mosaics from 1948 to 2002, which covered wet and dry periods, when beaver were absent on the landscape to a time when they had become well established. The number of active beaver lodges explained over 80% of the variability in the area of open water during that period. Temperature, precipitation and climatic variables were much less important than beaver in maintaining open water areas. In addition, during wet and dry years, the presence of beaver was associated with a 9-fold increase in open water area when compared to a period when beaver were absent from those same sites. Thus, beaver have a dramatic influence on the creation and maintenance of wetlands even during extreme drought. Given the important role of bea- ver in wetland preservation and in light of a drying climate in this region, their removal should be considered a wetland disturbance that should be avoided. Beaver Castor canadensis Drought East-central Alberta Elk Island National Park Mixed-wood boreal Wetland conservation
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Can forest management be used to sustain water-based ecosystem services in the face of climate change?
Forested watersheds, an important provider of ecosystems services related to water supply, can have their structure, function, and resulting streamflow substantially altered by land use and land cover. Using a retrospective analysis and synthesis of long-term climate and streamflow data (75 years) from six watersheds differing in management histories we explored whether streamflow responded differently to variation in annual temperature and extreme precipitation than unmanaged watersheds. We show significant increases in temperature and the frequency of extreme wet and dry years since the 1980s. Response models explained almost all streamflow variability (adjusted R2 . 0.99). In all cases, changing land use altered streamflow. Observed watershed responses differed significantly in wet and dry extreme years in all but a stand managed as a coppice forest. Converting deciduous stands to pine altered the streamflow response to extreme annual precipitation the most; the apparent frequency of observed extreme wet years decreased on average by sevenfold. This increased soil water storage may reduce flood risk in wet years, but create conditions that could exacerbate drought. Forest management can potentially mitigate extreme annual precipitation associated with climate change; however, offsetting effects suggest the need for spatially explicit analyses of risk and vulnerability.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Density stratification in an estuary with complex geometry: Driving processes and relationship to hypoxia on monthly to inter-annual timescales
The density field in Narragansett Bay (NB), a northeast U.S. estuary with complex geometry that suffers hypoxia, is described and related to driving factors using monthly means from time series observations at 9 sites during late spring to early fall 2001–2009. Stratification (deep-shallow density difference) is dominated by salinity and strongest (4–7 kg m␣3 in late spring) near rivers in the north and east. Shallow horizontal density gradients are about 0.2 kg m␣3 km␣1; deep densities have minor spatial and seasonal variations. Geographic structure in density, and its inter-annual anomalies, is weaker than expected based on the complex geometry and large size relative to the internal deformation radius. Inter-annual variability is primarily driven by river flow and weakly influenced by winds, contrasting nearby systems (Chesapeake Bay, Long Island Sound), likely due to reduced fetch and/or unfavorable alignment with prevailing winds. Stratification response to river flow follows 2/3 power scaling despite that the theory omits important NB attributes (complex geometry, depth-varying horizontal gradients). Contrasting other systems (Delaware Bay, San Francisco Bay), horizontal gradients are at least as responsive to river forcing as theoretical 1/3 power scaling; depth-dependent horizontal gradients or finite basin constraint of intrusion length may be responsible. Bay-wide inter-annual variations in seasonal hypoxia correlate with late spring stratification, though stratification peaks in the north and east with hypoxia most severe in the north and west. Long-term response of stratification, and thus its role in hypoxia, to climate-driven increases in river flow and temperatures will be dominated by the former.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Climatic Impact of Tropical Lowland Deforestation on Nearby Montane Cloud Forests
Tropical montane cloud forests (TMCFs) depend on predictable, frequent, and prolonged immersion in cloud. Clearing upwind lowland forest alters surface energy budgets in ways that influence dry season cloud fields and thus the TMCF environment. Landsat and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite imagery show that deforested areas of Costa Rica’s Caribbean lowlands remain relatively cloud-free when forested regions have well-developed dry season cumulus cloud fields. Further, regional atmospheric simulations show that cloud base heights are higher over pasture than over tropical forest areas under reasonable dry season conditions. These results suggest that land use in tropical lowlands has serious impacts on ecosystems in adjacent mountains.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
Organization Norwalk River Watershed Association
The Norwalk River Watershed Association, incorporated in 1996, is a nonprofit membership organization whose mission is to improve the water quality and fish and wildlife habitats of the 40,000-acre Norwalk River watershed; to restore the riverbanks, meadows and forests through invasive plant abatement and promotion of native species; to encourage recreational use of the river, the surrounding open space and its trails; and to promote research, legislative advocacy, education, cooperation, and action on the part of the stakeholders in the seven watershed towns in CT (Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton, New Canaan, Weston, and Norwalk) and NY (Lewisboro).
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
File PDF document Ecohydrologic separation of water between trees and streams in a Mediterranean climate
Water movement in upland humid watersheds from the soil surface to the stream is often described using the concept of translatory flow (1,2), which assumes that water entering the soil as precipitation displaces the water that was present previously, pushing it deeper into the soil and eventually into the stream (2). Within this framework, water at any soil depth is well mixed and plants extract the same water that eventually enters the stream. Here we present water-isotope data from various pools throughout a small watershed in the Cascade Mountains, Oregon, USA. Our data imply that a pool of tightly bound water that is retained in the soil and used by trees does not participate in translatory flow, mix with mobile water or enter the stream. Instead, water from initial rainfall events after rainless summers is locked into small pores with low matric potential until transpiration empties these pores during following dry summers. Winter rainfall does not displace this tightly bound water. As transpiration and stormflow are out of phase in the Mediterranean climate of our study site, two separate sets of water bodies with different isotopic characteristics exist in trees and streams. We conclude that complete mixing of water within the soil cannot be assumed for similar hydroclimatic regimes as has been done in the past (3,4) .
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents