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Video Pascal source code Lucas Furman: The Longleaf Alliance & SE Fire Map
Lucas Furman is the GIS Coordinator at the Longleaf Alliance; in this role he also serves as a project liaison for the Southeast Fire Map. He shares about the importance of collaboration across stakeholder groups to develop good planning tools and serve all actors in a landscape.
Located in Our Community / Voices from the Community
Video How To Use The LP Expertise Search
This video will introduce you to the Landscape Partnership Expertise Directory. The Expertise Directory is a searchable database that simplifies the process of identifying collaborators for research, funding, and projects. It provides users with access to nonprofit leaders, scientists, academics, conservation agency staff, farmers, and landowners. In this tutorial, you will learn how to: create your profile to showcase your own expertise, use the Profile and Map Search to find contacts for your projects, and export a spreadsheet of your search results.
Located in Our Community
Conservation Design: An online geospatial portal
Conservation Design: An online geospatial portal
Located in Resources / Videos
North American Migratory Bird Joint Ventures: 25 Years
Migratory Bird Joint Ventures are cooperative, regional partnerships that work to conserve habitat for the benefit of birds, other wildlife, and people.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings
The U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities hosts the Forest Innovation Reviews to share innovative ideas about forests, forest management, forest products, and forest-rich communities. Features short TED-talk like presentations on topics like blockchain for illegal logging and creating a new wood to replace plastic.
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings
Video Troff document WLFW Pollinator Conservation Series: Session #6 Planning & Establishing Pollinator Habitat
Session 6 of WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar series, presented by Celia Vuocolo, WLFW Pollinator Coordinator-East with Quail Forever & USDA-NRCS. Topics covered include a step by step process for planning and establishing pollinator habitat, including site selection, options for restoration and Farm Bill programs planning process.
Located in Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos / WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series
Video chemical/x-pdb WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 10 How to Do a Pollinator Outreach Event
Session 10 of the WLFW East Region Pollinator Conservation Webinar series was presented by Catherine Beall, South Dakota’s Monarch and Pollinator Coordinating Wildlife Biologist. This session focuses on how to host a pollinator outreach event and is the first session on “pollinator outreach” in the series. Topics covered include the first steps to consider when organizing an event, assembling an agenda, how to advertise, how to prepare the week of the event, things to consider on the day of the event, and follow-up after the event.
Located in Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos / WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series
Video South Atlantic LCC Natural Resource Indicator Process
Rua Mordecia, Science Coordinator with the South Atlantic LCC, provide an overview of the process the South Atlantic LCC took to identify Natural Resource Indicators.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars / Theme: Tools and Approaches – Neighboring LCCs
Video text/texmacs Habitat Assessment Models and Decision Support Tools for Aquatic Habitats
Fritz Boettner of Downstream Strategies presents on the North Atlantic LCC funded project to develop a decision support tool for an aquatic assessment of the Northeast. The presentation focuses on the development of a modeling methodology, process and outputs that came out of the modeling, and how stakeholders are needed for the project to be a success and develop quality assessment outputs.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars / Theme: Tools and Approaches – Neighboring LCCs
Video America's Forests in South Carolina - Sustainable Forestry and African American Land Retention Network
This episode of America's Forests with Chuck Leavell in South Carolina features African American landowners and foresters and The Sustainable Forestry and African American Land Retention Network, a program of the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars