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Organization Octet Stream Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Since its founding in 1875, Indiana University of Pennsylvania has progressed and evolved to match the changing needs of those it serves.
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Organization Kansas State University
Study what you love, connect it to a career and empower yourself to become the best version of you.
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Organization Kenyon College
Kenyon College is a private college in Gambier, Ohio, that offers a range of academic programs, campus life activities and community service opportunities.
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Organization Mississippi State University
At Mississippi State University, we believe in getting personal. Our university provides the academic, leadership, and social opportunities to help each person excel. Your success—in whatever field of study or career goal—is our success. We take that mission seriously. Here, faculty, staff and students share a common goal: to make the Mississippi State University experience a lifetime opportunity.
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Organization Moravian College
Moravian College is one of our nation’s oldest colleges, with a proud tradition of providing an outstanding education in the liberal arts and sciences.
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Organization RealAudio document New York Natural Heritage Program
The NY Natural Heritage Program facilitates the conservation of New York’s biodiversity by providing comprehensive information and scientific expertise on rare species and natural ecosystems to resource managers and other conservation partners. We are a program of the State University of New York College Environmental Science and Forestry that is funded primarily by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and its partners.
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Organization North Carolina State University
The College of Natural Resources (CNR) is a world leader in the use and conservation of renewable resources and recognized by many as a leading educator and researcher in forestry, environmental sciences, wood, paper, pulp, parks, recreation, and tourism. CNR believes that nurturing the environment and engineering sustainable products go hand-in-hand with helping communities and enterprises thrive. The College of Sciences is home to the physical and chemical sciences, the mathematical and statistical sciences, the biological sciences and the earth-system sciences. With departments and faculty members ranked among the nation’s best in their fields, the college's focus on multidisciplinary collaboration builds a foundation of experience that prepares students for the real world.
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Organization Oak Woodlands & Forests Fire Consortium
The Oak Woodlands & Forests Fire Consortium is an exchange for fire science information. Funded by the Joint Fire Science Program, our goal is to increase the availability and consideration of credible fire science information to those making land management decisions.
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Organization Ohio State University
We create unrivaled experiences that bring together expertise, ideas and resources that improve communities locally and globally.
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Organization Oregon State University
Oregon State is an international public research university that draws people from all 50 states and more than 100 countries. We go wherever the challenges are, push ourselves to the very edge of what’s known and keep going. We are determined to forge solutions. We are diverse and welcoming. We embrace our responsibility to Oregon and the world, building a future that’s smarter, healthier, more prosperous and more just. We see what could be and have worked relentlessly for 150 years to make it so.
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