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Primary Influences on Water Temperature for Inland Streams
The COMET Program is pleased to announce the publication of the new lesson, "Primary Influences on Water Temperature for Inland Streams". The temperature of inland streams, rivers, and reservoirs affects aquatic wildlife, riparian vegetation, and infrastructure.
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Climate-Aquatics Blog
New report describes data collection protocols for continuous monitoring of temperature & flow in wadeable streams.
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Maryland DNR Helps Fund New Stream Restoration Monitoring Program
Efforts to produce measurable water quality data and results.
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First-of-its-kind Interactive Map Brings Together 40 Years of Water-Quality Data
A new U.S. Geological Survey interactive map provides a comprehensive, long-term look at changes in the quality of our nation’s rivers and streams over the last four decades.
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Watershed Decision Tool Webinar Series (UPDATE)
The USFWS Southeast Region Office is sponsoring a webinar series on Watershed Decision Tools with the aim of promoting awareness of the many various watershed prioritization tools available to assist in planning conservation actions and fostering discussion about how each tool is or could be used, applicability and limitations, and possible future improvements and needs. We currently have 4 remaining webinars scheduled and hope to add more. We have switched to a new webex platform to enable recording and archiving of webinar presentations, so login details for the series has changed.
Located in News & Events / Watershed Decision Tool Webinar Series (UPDATE)
Person Thomas, Richard Neil
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Person Starr, Richard
Watershed and stream function-based assessment, stream restoration design, stream restoration monitoring, stream restoration implementation, and stream training
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Organization Wildlife Mississippi
At Wildlife Mississippi, we measure success by the number of acres of habitat we protect, restore or enhance and by the number of miles of streams we improve. A healthy environment makes good economic sense for Mississippi and the nation.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Troff document The Barn Group Land Trust
TBG preserves, protects, and maintains streams, wetlands, and natural resources to increase stewardship and conservation for present and future generations.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Image Octet Stream Stream at Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management Area
Upstream view of stream at the Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management Area.
Located in Resources / TRB Images