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Organization North Carolina State Parks
North Carolina's state parks are Naturally Wonderful and also wonderfully diverse. The system stretches from the highest sand dune on the East Coast at Jockey's Ridge to Mount Mitchell, the highest point in the eastern U.S. Between these points, you'll find mysterious bay lakes, wild swamps, rare sandhills, piedmont river systems and bold mountain streams.
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Organization North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission is the state government agency that sustains the state’s fish and wildlife resources through research, scientific management, wise use, and public input. The Commission is the regulatory agency responsible for the enforcement of the state's fishing, hunting, trapping, and boating laws.
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Organization chemical/x-mdl-rdfile North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
Mission: To preserve, enhance, and restore the quality of California's water resources and drinking water for the protection of the environment, public health, and all beneficial uses, and to ensure proper water resource allocation and efficient use, for the benefit of present and future generations.
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Organization Ohio Department of Natural Resources: Division of Forestry
The Division of Forestry is responsible for the management, sustainable use, and protection of Ohio’s forests.
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Organization Ohio Department of Natural Resources: Division of Wildlife
Land acquisition, harvest regulations, and licensing are fundamental tools in the management of Ohio's wildlife resources. The Division of Wildlife manages or cooperates in managing over three-quarters of a million acres of diverse wildlife lands throughout the state, plus more than 2 1/4 million acres of water. On the basis of biological data and public input, it issues regulations that supplement long-term statutes to protect wildlife and to provide the public with opportunities to benefit from wildlife for recreational, scientific, and other purposes.
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Organization Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management
The Office of Coastal Management protects and restores the resources of Ohio’s Lake Erie coastline and watershed.
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Organization Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
We manage and protect fish and wildlife, along with their habitats, while also growing our community of hunters and anglers, partnering with those who love the outdoors, and fostering stewardship with those who care for the land.
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Organization Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Our mission is to protect and enhance Oregon's fish and wildlife and their habitats for use and enjoyment by present and future generations.
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Organization RealAudio document Oregon Department of Forestry Federal Forest Restoration Program
The Federal Forest Restoration (FFR) Program was created to accelerate the pace, scale and quality of forest restoration in Oregon's federal forests. The FFR Program seeks to increase the resilience and vitality of federal forests and rural communities and to support and leverage collaborative efforts and regional economies.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization chemical/x-mdl-rdfile Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board is a state agency that provides grants to help Oregonians take care of local streams, rivers, wetlands, and natural areas. Community members and landowners use scientific criteria to decide jointly what needs to be done to conserve and improve rivers and natural habitat in the places where they live. OWEB grants are funded from the Oregon Lottery, federal dollars, and salmon license plate revenue.
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