Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) envisions a Delaware that offers a healthy environment where people embrace a commitment to the protection, enhancement and enjoyment of the environment in their daily lives; where Delawareans’ stewardship of natural resources ensures the sustainability of these resources for the appreciation and enjoyment of future generations; and where people recognize that a healthy environment and a strong economy support one another.
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Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks
The Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks (KDWP) is a cabinet-level agency with a Secretary appointed by the Governor. A seven-member, bipartisan commission, also appointed by the Governor, advises the Secretary and approves regulations governing outdoor recreation and fish and wildlife resources in Kansas. The commission conducts business during regular public sessions.
KDWP employs approximately 460 full-time employees in seven divisions: Executive Services, Administrative Services, Fisheries, Wildlife, Public Lands, Law Enforcement, Parks.
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Escambia County Natural Resources Management
The Natural Resources Management Department provides a diverse array of vital environmental and natural resources programs. Its divisions include Environmental Code Enforcement, Marine Resources, Mosquito Control, Natural Resources Conservation, RESTORE, Water Quality and Land Management and Air Quality Monitoring.
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Lee County Parks and Recreation
Our Mission is to provide safe, clean and functional Parks & Recreation facilities. To provide programs and services that add to the quality of life for all Lee County residents and visitors. To enhance tourism through special events and attractions. We are committed to fulfilling this mission through visionary leadership, individual dedication and the trustworthy use of available resources.
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Hillsborough County
Hillsborough County is located in the west central portion of the U.S. state of Florida. In the 2020 census, the population was 1,459,762, making it the fourth-most populous county in Florida and the most populous county outside the Miami metropolitan area.
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Colorado State Forest Service
The mission of the Colorado State Forest Service is to achieve stewardship of Colorado’s diverse forest environments for the benefit of present and future generations. We are a service and outreach agency of the Warner College of Natural Resources at Colorado State University.
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Mariposa County Resource Conservation District
The mission of the Mariposa County Resource Conservation District is to encourage and facilitate cooperative solutions to local resources conservation issues and problems. We provide technical, financial and educational resources, whatever their source, to meet the needs of the local land-users.
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Nebraska Forest Service
Recognition of the need for forestation and care of existing forests has been a consistent priority for Nebraska. For more than 100 years, forestry has been a part of Nebraska’s work and mission, performed under the scope of several different state and university entities.
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Oregon Department of Forestry Federal Forest Restoration Program
The Federal Forest Restoration (FFR) Program was created to accelerate the pace, scale and quality of forest restoration in Oregon's federal forests. The FFR Program seeks to increase the resilience and vitality of federal forests and rural communities and to support and leverage collaborative efforts and regional economies.
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California Department of Water Resources
The DWR Mission: To sustainably manage the water resources of California, in cooperation with other agencies, to benefit the state’s people and protect, restore, and enhance the natural and human environments.
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