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Organization ECMAScript program Illinois Division of Forestry Resources
It is the mission of the Illinois Division of Forestry Resources to protect, perpetuate, restore, conserve, and manage the forest and related resources of Illinois, both public and private, rural and urban; and to ensure for future generations the greatest economic, scientific, and social benefits that can only be provided through a forest ecological system.
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Organization Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry
Your state forests are managed under the policy of multiple use in order to obtain benefits from recreation, timber production and watershed protection.
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Organization ECMAScript program Iowa Department of Natural Resources
The DNR manages fish and wildlife programs, ensures the health of Iowa’s forests and prairies, and provides recreational opportunities in Iowa’s state parks. Just as importantly, the DNR carries out state and federal laws that protect air, land and water through technical assistance, permitting and compliance programs. The DNR also encourages the enjoyment and stewardship of natural resources among Iowans through outreach and education. The DNR's mission: To conserve and enhance our natural resources in cooperation with individuals and organizations to improve the quality of life in Iowa and ensure a legacy for future generations.
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Organization Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks
The Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks (KDWP) is a cabinet-level agency with a Secretary appointed by the Governor. A seven-member, bipartisan commission, also appointed by the Governor, advises the Secretary and approves regulations governing outdoor recreation and fish and wildlife resources in Kansas. The commission conducts business during regular public sessions. KDWP employs approximately 460 full-time employees in seven divisions: Executive Services, Administrative Services, Fisheries, Wildlife, Public Lands, Law Enforcement, Parks.
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Organization Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission
Our mission is to protect Kentucky's natural heritage by (1) identifying, acquiring and managing natural areas that represent the best known occurrences of rare native species, natural communities and significant natural features in a statewide nature preserve system; (2) working with others to protect biological diversity; and (3) educating Kentuckians as to the value and purpose of nature preserves and biodiversity conservation.
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Organization Lee County Parks and Recreation
Our Mission is to provide safe, clean and functional Parks & Recreation facilities. To provide programs and services that add to the quality of life for all Lee County residents and visitors. To enhance tourism through special events and attractions. We are committed to fulfilling this mission through visionary leadership, individual dedication and the trustworthy use of available resources.
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Organization D source code Little Snake River Conservation District (LSRCD)
The Little Snake River Conservation District is located in Baggs, WY.
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Organization Troff document Louisville Air Pollution Control District
The Air Pollution Control District (APCD) implements federal, state, and local air pollution laws and regulations in Louisville, like the federal Clean Air Act and the local Strategic Toxic Air Reduction (STAR) program, one of the nations most stringent programs to reduce emissions of toxic air pollution.
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Organization Manatee County
Welcome to Manatee County, Florida!
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Organization Troff document Mariposa County Resource Conservation District
The mission of the Mariposa County Resource Conservation District is to encourage and facilitate cooperative solutions to local resources conservation issues and problems. We provide technical, financial and educational resources, whatever their source, to meet the needs of the local land-users.
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