Nevada Conservation District Program
The Conservation Districts Program provides administrative support to the State Conservation Commission, which develops policy and regulations for Nevada’s 28 locally elected conservation districts.
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Nevada Division of Forestry
The mission of the Nevada Division of Forestry is to enhance, conserve and protect Nevada’s ecosystems and communities through vegetation stewardship and wildland fire management.
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Nevada Department of Wildlife
The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) is the state agency responsible for the restoration and management of fish and wildlife resources, and the promotion of boating safety on Nevada’s waters. NDOW is organized into seven divisions (Conservation Education, Habitat, Game, Data and Technology Services, Law Enforcement, Wildlife Diversity and Fisheries) that develop programs and projects, and three regions (eastern, southern and western) that implement these programs.
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Nevada Department of Agriculture
The mission of the Nevada Department of Agriculture is to preserve, protect and promote Nevada Agriculture.
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Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture
A diverse group of partners, including state fish and wildlife agencies, federal resource agencies, academic institutions and private sector conservation organizations are working to conserve Eastern brook trout and their habitats. Established as the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV), this Fish Habitat Partnership has already produced a range-wide population assessment of brook trout; completed extensive work that identifies key threats to brook trout and their habitats; and developed conservation strategies to protect, enhance and restore brook trout.
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Georgia Department of Natural Resources: Wildlife Resources Division
Carries out the Department of Natural Resource's (DNR) mission to enhance and conserve Georgia’s natural, historic, and cultural resources. As one of six divisions within DNR, the Wildlife Resources Division is charged with conserving and promoting Georgia’s wildlife resources, including game and nongame animals, fish, and protected plants.
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Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission
Our mission is to protect Kentucky's natural heritage by (1) identifying, acquiring and managing natural areas that represent the best known occurrences of rare native species, natural communities and significant natural features in a statewide nature preserve system; (2) working with others to protect biological diversity; and (3) educating Kentuckians as to the value and purpose of nature preserves and biodiversity conservation.
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Maryland Department of Natural Resources - Natural Heritage Program
Since 1979, the Maryland Natural Heritage Program (MD NHP) has been the lead state agency responsible for protecting and managing nongame, rare, threatened, and endangered species and their habitats in Maryland.
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New York Department of Environmental Conservation
The mission of the department is to conserve, improve and protect New York's natural resources and environment and to prevent, abate and control water, land and air pollution, in order to enhance the health, safety and welfare of the people of the state and their overall economic and social well-being. DEC's goal is to achieve this mission through the simultaneous pursuit of environmental quality, public health, economic prosperity and social well-being, including environmental justice and the empowerment of individuals to participate in environmental decisions that affect their lives.
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North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission is the state government agency that sustains the state’s fish and wildlife resources through research, scientific management, wise use, and public input. The Commission is the regulatory agency responsible for the enforcement of the state's fishing, hunting, trapping, and boating laws.
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