West Virginia Division of Natural Resources
The Wildlife Diversity Program’s primary responsibility is to conserve the state’s nongame wildlife resources through the identification and management of nongame species and their habitats. The WDP also seeks to inform and educate the public about the resource, and to enhance the recreational opportunities it provides.
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Winkelman Natural Resource Conservation District
The stated goal of the Winkelman NRCD is “to support and encourage the proper and wise sustained use and management of our basic renewable and non-renewable natural resources utilizing sound science and valid on–ground experience.”
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Wyoming Department of Agriculture
The Wyoming Department of Agriculture is dedicated to the promotion and enhancement of Wyoming's agriculture, natural resources and contribution to Wyoming quality of life.
The Wyoming Department of Agriculture assists the citizens of Wyoming to live safe and healthy lives, promote and preserve our agricultural community, be responsible stewards of our natural resources, and achieve integrity in the marketplace.
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Wyoming Game and Fish Department
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department strategic plan builds upon Wyoming's long partnership between inspiring conservationists, the recreation community and the agency employees. What you are reading is the combined wisdom of citizens, agency professionals, and the department's leadership team to answer the question, "Where should we prioritize our work to ensure a sustainable future for a fish and wildlife resource that benefits all Wyoming citizens?"
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Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative
The WLCI is a long-term science based effort to assess and enhance aquatic and terrestrial habitats at a landscape scale in southwest Wyoming, while facilitating responsible development through local collaboration and partnerships.
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Wyoming State Forestry Division
The Forestry Division is responsible for the management of approximately 263,000 acres of forested trust land across the state. This management includes timber management and harvest, and managing our state lands for long term forest health and productivity. The division is also responsible for fire management on 3.6 million surface acres of state trust land and cooperative fire management on private and federal lands.
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Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resources Trust
The Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust is an independent state agency governed by a nine-member citizen board appointed by the Governor. Legislative oversight is guided by a select committee of six members, three each from the House and Senate.
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