New York Natural Heritage Program
The NY Natural Heritage Program facilitates the conservation of New York’s biodiversity by providing comprehensive information and scientific expertise on rare species and natural ecosystems to resource managers and other conservation partners. We are a program of the State University of New York College Environmental Science and Forestry that is funded primarily by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and its partners.
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Shenandoah National Park
The Shenandoah National Park is a place for recreation and re-creation. The Park develops research, species restoration, nonnative species management, and educational materials for the public and conservation practitioners.
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South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
The mission of the Land, Water, and Conservation Division of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources is to provide scientific and reliable information to policy and decision makers and to the public in order to understand, sustain, and protect the State's natural resources for the benefit of all generations.
The mission of the Geological Survey is to provide reliable, unbiased scientific information to public and private decision-makers involved with land-use planning, environment, and economic development.
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Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
State, provincial, and territorial fish and wildlife agencies in North America have safeguarded fish and wildlife for over 100 years. The public entrusts these agencies with primary stewardship over vital wildlife resources. The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies lends collective voice to its agencies in fulfillment of that responsibility.
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Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife
The Division of Fish & Wildlife conserves and manages Delaware’s fish and wildlife and their habitats, and provides fishing, hunting, wildlife viewing and boating access on nearly 65,000 acres of public land.
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New Jersey's Endangered & Nongame Species Program
The Endangered and Nongame Species Program's (ENSP) mission is to actively conserve New Jersey's biological diversity by maintaining and enhancing endangered, threatened and nongame wildlife populations within healthy, functioning ecosystems.
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MassWildlife's Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program
Massachusetts' Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program is responsible for the conservation and protection of hundreds of species that are not hunted, fished, trapped, or commercially harvested in the state, as well as the protection of the natural communities that make up their habitats.
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Prescribed Fire Community of Practice
The Prescribed Fire Community of Practice (CoP) provides a clearinghouse for information on conducting controlled burns and the effects of fire on plants and wildlife. The CoP also offers information on fire through articles, FAQs from the nation’s top prescribed fire personnel, and up-to-date fire news and events. The CoP is a National Cooperative Extension Resource.
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CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection advances the conservation, use, and appreciation of Connecticut’s wildlife resources.
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Mississippi Forestry Commission
Mississippi Forestry Commission (MFC) has been a leader in the protection, management, and sustainability of the state’s forests for more than 90 years. The MFC provides expert management, protection, and information needed to keep Mississippi’s approximately 19.2 million acres of forestland healthy, productive, and prosperous.
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