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Organization C source code National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center
The Prescribed Fire Training Center (PFTC) is a unique program blending maximum field prescribed burning experience with a flexible curriculum of classroom instruction on foundational topics for prescribed fire practitioners.
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Organization National Wild Turkey Federation
The NWTF is dedicated to the conservation of the wild turkey and the preservation of our hunting heritage.
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Organization National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative
The National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative (NEWFI) is an initiative of the Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP). NEWFI facilitates a Cooperative Extension system-wide responses to wildland fire issues; provides professional development and educational resources; and supports wildland fire and natural resources management with Extension professionals.
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Organization Ruffed Grouse Society | American Woodcock Society
Established in 1961, the Ruffed Grouse Society is North America’s foremost conservation organization dedicated to preserving our sporting traditions by creating healthy forest habitat for ruffed grouse, American woodcock and other wildlife. RGS works with landowners and government agencies to develop critical habitat utilizing scientific management practices.
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Organization Pascal source code Southeast Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability (SERPPAS)
The mission of SERPPAS is to seize opportunities and solve problems in ways that provide mutual and multiple benefits to the partners, sustain the individual and collective mission of partner organizations, and secure the future for all the partners, the region, and the nation. This mission will be accomplished through identifying opportunities for mutual gain among all partner groups, effectively addressing differences among the partners, and focusing on identifying solutions to complex problems.
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Organization Southern Fire Exchange
The Southern Fire Exchange (SFE) is a fire science delivery program in the Southeast, funded by the Joint Fire Science Program in agreement with the United States Forest Service, Southern Research Station. With our key partners, we strive to improve access to and usefulness of southern fire science information and offer opportunities for the fire community to interact and learn from one another.
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Organization Southeastern Cohesive Fire Strategy
The Southeastern Cohesive Fire Strategy provides an online resource for southeastern Cohesive Fire Strategy information and news and to provide tools and resources to professionals and the public that can increase landscape resiliency, protect communities and ensure a safe, effective and risk-based fire response.
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Organization North Carolina State Southeast Prescribed Fire Update
Southeast Prescribed Fire Update is a source for the latest news in prescribed fire. The Update provides landowners, consultants, agencies, academia, and the prescribed fire community with current training opportunities, press releases, event happenings, information, and education materials pertinent to prescribed burning in the southeastern United States.
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Organization Southern Group of State Foresters
We provide leadership in sustaining the economic, environmental and social benefits of the South's forests, and work to identify and address existing and emerging issues and challenges that are important to southern forests and citizens.
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Organization Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network
The Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network (FAC Net) exists to support and connect people and communities working on wildfire resilience. It offers community-based leaders resources, tools and connections to reduce their wildfire risk and increase community resilience. FAC Net is a catalyst for spreading fire adaptation practices and innovations nationwide.
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