TN Wild Side - The Pristine Crayfish
The clear streams and thick forests of Tennessee’s Cumberland Plateau are home to some of the most unique and diverse wildlife in North America. It's also home to an eighty-year old state park that still attracts a million visitors a year… Fall Creek Falls. Everyone knows about the beauty of the falls, but just as interesting is the animal kingdom found beneath the waters in and near the park… including a rare and elusive crayfish with a colorful name. The Pristine Crayfish might be shy and reclusive but it helps hold the entire Plateau ecosystem together. Wild Side Guide Alan Griggs shows us how researchers are using the crayfish today to plan for tomorrow.
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TN Wild Side - Valley Flame Crayfish
It’s believed more species of this little critter are found in Tennessee than any other state. While most of them live in our numerous streams and rivers, some are more at home away from those areas, in moist lands near water…even underground. That’s one reason why the crayfish is such an interesting, unique, and beautiful animal. Crayfish diversity brings researchers here from all over the world to study their habitat and life habits. But Wild Side Guide Alan Griggs found two men who don't have to travel far to follow their lives’ passion, learning as much as they can about crayfish while getting shoulder deep in mud and muck.
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lists Neosho Mucket as Endangered and Rabbitsfoot as Threatened
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is listing the Neosho mucket as endangered and the Rabbitsfoot as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Both species are freshwater mussels found in river systems in the eastern half of the United States.
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Watershed Decision Tool Webinar Series (UPDATE)
The USFWS Southeast Region Office is sponsoring a webinar series on Watershed Decision Tools with the aim of promoting awareness of the many various watershed prioritization tools available to assist in planning conservation actions and fostering discussion about how each tool is or could be used, applicability and limitations, and possible future improvements and needs. We currently have 4 remaining webinars scheduled and hope to add more. We have switched to a new webex platform to enable recording and archiving of webinar presentations, so login details for the series has changed.
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Watershed Decision Tool Webinar Series (UPDATE)
We take care of our Natural Resources in Haywood County NC
Our locals and visitors alike take pride in the quality of the water here in Haywood County NC. The agriculture, flora/fauna, wildlife, breweries and more all rely on the quality of our water. Haywood County holds something very precious and rare - water that comes directly from our mountains and nowhere else. We are the only county east of the Mississippi River with headwaters that originate within our county lines. The activity of our community impacts other regions downstream and as award winning author Wendell Berry once said, “Do unto those downstream as you would have those upstream do unto you.” I feel it is our responsibility and duty to safeguard our waterways.
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Welcome Home, Winged Mapleleaf Mussel
An endangered mussel came home to a Tennessee River last week, a monumental reintroduction effort seven years in the making. On Wednesday, federal and state biologists placed 103 winged mapleleaf mussels in the middle portion of the Duck River. The last time the species was seen in the river was more than two decades ago, when empty shells were collected in 1990 and 1991.
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Your Drop Matters
Just forty-five years ago, rivers in the U.S. were so polluted that some actually burned. In response, our country created the Clean Water Act amid other strong environmental legislation. Today, two-thirds of our population has never known a time when clean water wasn’t readily available. Despite improvements in the quality of drinking water, freshwater animals and habitats in the southeastern U.S. remain among the most imperiled on Earth. We have become complacent with institutional protections and haven’t challenged our personal behaviors. How can we solve the freshwater crisis starting in our own backyard? Video by TEDxChattanooga.
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