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Monitoring the Little Rivers of the Tennessee Valley. Video by Freshwaters Illustrated in partnership with the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Service Estimates Economic Impact of Critical Habitat Designation for Fluted Kidneyshell and Slabside Pearlymussel
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announces the availability of a draft economic analysis considering the impact of a proposal to designate critical habitat for two freshwater mussels proposed for listing as endangered.
Located in News & Events
Service Report: Nation’s Rivers Flow toward Better Habitat, Economies and Public Safety
More than 200 blockages in the nation’s major natural resource “arteries” were removed last year thanks to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Fish Passage Program. Working with numerous partners, the program improves fish passage, local economies and public safety by ridding the nation’s rivers of derelict dams that no longer serve a purpose.
Located in News & Events
Video Snorkel Survey in the Tellico River, Cherokee National Forest
On August 15, 2013 Conservation Fisheries, Inc. snorkeled the Tellico River in search of some of the imperiled fishes they have been working to restore to this river. This was the first time they ventured out with a new GoPro Black Hero 3. This video captures great numbers of spotfin chubs, Erimonax monachus, Smoky madtoms, Noturus baileyi and Citico darters, Etheostoma sitikuense. Some of the male spotfin chubs were spectacular! Enjoy!
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
The Southeast Aquatic Barrier Prioritization Tool aims to build aquatic connectivity in rivers and streams. The Tool provides inventory data on aquatic barriers (like dams and road-related culverts) and helps practitioners to describe, understand, and prioritize these barriers for removal, restoration, and mitigation. Aquatic connectivity in rivers and streams is essential for fish and other aquatic organisms. The Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership (SARP) developed the tool with support from partners and funders.
Located in Apps, Maps, & Data / Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets / Aquatic and Freshwater Spatial Data
Video Southern Salvelinus - Brook Trout Below the Mason-Dixon
Southern Appalachian Brook Trout are a geographically isolated strain of Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) that are facing a realistic possibility of disappearing. They are a valuable indicator species and the decline in brook trout populations is a reflection of the degradation of our beautiful streams. They are the only native trout (technically a char) to the Eastern United States. Because of the introduction of invasive Rainbow Trout (from the Western US) through state fish stocking programs, they are being out competed and brook trout populations are being even further reduced. Video by BlueBlood.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Video Spot fin Chub Spawning in Tellico River
For a little more than 10 years, Conservation Fisheries has been working to re-establish spotfin chub into the Tellico River in eastern Tennessee. These spectacular, turquoise minnows (only the males develop this color and only during summertime spawning), are highly specialized and closely associated with clean, current swept, bedrock habitats. During spawning season, the males become very territorial and stake out crevices in the rocks where the females will ultimately deposit the eggs. While males vigorously defend these territories, they do not provide any direct care to the eggs and larvae. The spotfin chub is federally threatened.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Person Starr, Richard
Watershed and stream function-based assessment, stream restoration design, stream restoration monitoring, stream restoration implementation, and stream training
Located in Expertise Search
Video Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute - Freshwater Biodiversity
The warm waters of the southeastern United States are home to an amazing diversity of animals and habitats. The Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute (TNACI) works to protect and sustain the region's natural treasures and bring people of all ages closer to nature. Help us celebrate and care for these riches in our backyards.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Tennessee River Basin Network Workshop and Awards Celebration
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has engaged multiple partners in hosting a Tennessee River Biodiversity Network Meeting.
Located in News & Events / Events