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Appalachian LCC Winter Newsletter
The 2014 Winter Newsletter highlights how the Appalachian LCC and its partners are addressing landscape issues and bringing together a community to find sustainable solutions.
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Appalachian Wildlife Center - Partnering for Wildlife and People in an Economically-Depressed Region
A collaborative new partnership between the Appalachian Wildlife Foundation, the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, and others is working to establish wildlife-related tourism in the southern Appalachian region of Kentucky and the surrounding states by building a state-of-the-art wildlife education facility designed to share with visitors the incredible natural resources of the region.
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AppLCC and FWS Host Marxan Workshop
The Appalachian LCC and Virginia Field Office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service jointly hosted a two-day Marxan learning session on February 3rd and 4th, 2015 at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia.
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Applying LCC Tools to Issues Impacting the Keystone State
Pennsylvania is a landscape filled with abundant forests and wildlife, thousands of miles of rivers and streams, and home to a productive energy industry that includes the emergence of natural gas and alternative energy sources. Natural resource agencies and conservation organizations increasingly see the value for proactive science and tools that help inform decisions both locally and regionally in order to best protect and conserve the lands, waters, and wildlife of the state while harnessing resources that benefit society and the economy.
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Archbold Weathers Hurricane Ian
By the morning of Monday 26th September, the predicted path of Hurricane Ian had shifted south. Researchers at Archbold Biological Station and Archbold’s Buck Island Ranch decided it was necessary to remove sensitive equipment and sensors from the field to prevent damage from the storm.
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Are Hellbenders Found Downstream of the Ohio Train Derailment Really a Sign That the Water is Safe?
Ohio authorities have called the recent capture and release of two hellbenders downstream from the site of a train derailment and toxic chemical spill a 'positive discovery,' because hellbenders are an indicator of a healthy aquatic ecosystem, but the reality is more complicated.
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ARSN News: Job Opening - Biologist II - Ecology Option - Alabama Aquatic Biodiversity Center
The Alabama Department of Personnel is now accepting applications for Biologist II / Ecology Option positions statewide.
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ARSN News: Please Help NC Reel In Interested Fisheries Professionals
This is YOUR CHANCE come snorkel with the hellbenders!!!
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Bald Eagle Nest Monitoring Program Launched by Maryland Bird Conservation Initiative
The recovery of our national symbol, the Bald Eagle, is considered one of the greatest conservation successes of the 20th century.
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Become Part of the Appalachian LCC Network
Contribute to sustainable landscape-level conservation by joining and adding your information to the database!
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