Nevada Conservation District Program
The Conservation Districts Program provides administrative support to the State Conservation Commission, which develops policy and regulations for Nevada’s 28 locally elected conservation districts.
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Nevada Department of Agriculture
The mission of the Nevada Department of Agriculture is to preserve, protect and promote Nevada Agriculture.
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Nevada Department of Wildlife
The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) is the state agency responsible for the restoration and management of fish and wildlife resources, and the promotion of boating safety on Nevada’s waters. NDOW is organized into seven divisions (Conservation Education, Habitat, Game, Data and Technology Services, Law Enforcement, Wildlife Diversity and Fisheries) that develop programs and projects, and three regions (eastern, southern and western) that implement these programs.
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Nevada Division of Forestry
The mission of the Nevada Division of Forestry is to enhance, conserve and protect Nevada’s ecosystems and communities through vegetation stewardship and wildland fire management.
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Paradise Sonoma Conservation District
The Paradise-Sonoma Conservation District covers the eastern part of Humboldt County. There are about 2,313,640 acres in the district consisting of about 582,640 acres of private land and 1,731,000 acres of public land administered by the U.S. Forest Service (270,000 acres) and Bureau of Land Management.
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