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Landscape Conservation Cooperatives: Building a Network to Help Fulfill Public Trust Obligations
The Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) network (Network), comprised of 22 conservation partnerships spanning North America and U.S. Islands, is uniquely positioned to assist government members in fulfilling their public trust obligations to sustain natural and cultural resources for current and future generations by (a) ensuring inclusivity of broad stakeholder participation in conservation decision-making, and (b) building capacity for public trust to work in conservation, thus increasing the chance for successful and lasting conservation outcomes.
Located in News & Events
LCC Network Releases 2014 Strategic Plan
The Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) Network has developed a strategic plan that articulates a path for the next five years to achieving the LCC Network’s vision and mission to conserve and maintain landscapes and seascapes capable of sustaining natural and cultural resources for current and future generations.
Located in News & Events
File Pascal source code National LCC Network Map
Depicting the 22 LCCs that make up the National LCC Network
Located in Cooperative / The Network / National LCC Network
The National LCC Project Catalog assembles high-level standardized information about all projects supported by all LCCs, to date and going forward, to meet the needs at the National LCC office for reporting on what's happening across the network. This catalog will allow LCCs to update the data reported to Headquarters as projects are added or updated.
Located in Cooperative / The Network / National LCC Network
LCC Science Assessments are conducted to appraise the current spectrum of scientific knowledge surrounding shared resource priorities, and to identify and prioritize management questions and related research and technical assistance gaps and needs. They explore potential approaches for utilizing existing information, developing scientific tools, and improving the state of knowledge. LCC Science Assessments identify common needs for science among the various partners and partnerships to meet their conservation priorities and goals, and are developed in coordination with Climate Science Centers.
Located in Cooperative / The Network / National LCC Network
File National LCC Brochure
This brochure describes how LCCs are bringing partners together to identify conservation solutions. Building on knowledge and conservation work of existing partnerships, LCCs increase collective science and management capacity to address common conservation priorities. LCCs rely on the expertise and work of Federal, State and Tribal partners and existing conservation partnerships. Working at local, regional, national and even international scales allows partners to work toward sustaining natural and cultural resources for current and future generations.
Located in Cooperative / The Network / National LCC Network
Here is an interactive map of all National LCC's.
Located in Cooperative / The Network / National LCC Network
File Landscape Conservation Cooperatives: Building a Network to Help Fulfill Public Trust Obligations
The Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) network (Network), comprised of 22 conservation partnerships spanning North America and U.S. Islands, is uniquely positioned to assist government members in fulfilling their public trust obligations to sustain natural and cultural resources for current and future generations by (a) ensuring inclusivity of broad stakeholder participation in conservation decision-making, and (b) building capacity for public trust to work in conservation, thus increasing the chance for successful and lasting conservation outcomes.
Located in Cooperative / The Network / National LCC Network
File LCC National Council Charter
This charter outlines the duties and functions of the LCC National Council that includes: (1) overarching coordination of LCC efforts; (2) consistency between LCCs for coordination and communication to support a cohesive purpose; (3) articulation of shared outcomes; (4) support for collaboration across geographies; and (5) advocacy for LCCs.
Located in Cooperative / The Network / National LCC Council
File Summary Response to Comments Received on the Draft LCC National Charter
In late 2012, the LCC National strategy team sought feedback on the proposed purpose, goals, organizational framework, and composition outlined in the draft charter for the LCC National Council. To obtain partner input, the draft charter was broadly distributed through a series of webinars and via email communication. Partners and other interested parties were encouraged to submit comments.
Located in Cooperative / The Network / National LCC Council