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The Central Appalachia Prosperity Project is part of the Presidential Climate Action Project to develop policy recommendations on climate and energy security, with a focus on what the next President of the United States could accomplish using his or her executive authority. The Central Appalachian Project draws on the input of America's most innovative experts to produce policy and program recommendations that are sufficiently bold to expedite the region's transition to a clean energy economy. An important component of these recommendations has been better coordination of the efforts being made by all levels of government - federal, regional, state and local.
Located in Cultural Resources / Socioeconomics / Socio-economic Projects
Secretary Jewell Releases Landscape-scale Mitigation Strategy
The strategy, which will advance landscape-scale, science-based management of America’s public lands and wildlife. seeks to provide clarity and consistency to more effectively avoid, minimize and compensate for impacts on public lands. The strategy strongly aligns with the mission and goals of Landscape Conservation Cooperatives.
Located in News & Events