Connect the Connecticut Report
Connect the Connecticut Report - report summarizing the process and results of the project. May 2016.
Located in
Connecticut River Watershed Pilot
Connecticut River Landscape Conservation Design Pilot Overview
Connecticut River Landscape Conservation Design Pilot Overview
Located in
Connecticut River Watershed Pilot
About the Pilot
Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Agenda 2-24-14
Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Agenda 2-24-14
Located in
Connecticut River Pilot Core Team
Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 02-24-2014
Connecticut River Watershed Pilot Core Team Meeting Attendee List 2-24-14
Core Team members and guests expected to attend Connecticut River Watershed Pilot Core Team Meeting February 24 in Turners Falls, MA
Located in
Connecticut River Pilot Core Team
Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 02-24-2014
Description of Geophysical Settings TNC Resilient Landscapes (April 2014)
Description of Geophysical Settings TNC Resilient Landscapes excerpt from Anderson et al.
Located in
Connecticut River Watershed Pilot
Document and Maps: Landscape Capability and Vulnerability Table and Maps (05-30-2014)
One document including one table and 21 maps (PDF). The table includes statistics for each representative species on the current landscape capability in the Northeast region and the Connecticut River watershed. Maps of landscape capability in 2010 are included for the following species: American woodcock, Black bear, Blackburnian warbler, Blackpoll warbler, Eastern meadowlark, Louisiana waterthrush, Marsh wren, Northern waterthrush, Wood thrush. Maps of landscape capability in 2080 and the change from 2010 to 2080 are included for some of those species.
Located in
Terrestrial and Wetland Technical Subteam
May 30, 2014 Subteam Meeting (Terrestrial/Wetland)
Document: Action Items and Meeting Notes 01-15-2014
Action items from preliminary Connecticut River Pilot meeting and notes from the day.
Located in
Connecticut River Pilot Core Team
Connecticut River Pilot - FWS Members Meeting 01-15-2014
Document: Connecticut River Watershed Landscape Conservation Design Pilot: Suggestions for Setting Population Objectives (05-30-2014)
Connecticut River Watershed Landscape Conservation Design Pilot:
Suggestions for Setting Population Objectives 5-30-14
Located in
Terrestrial and Wetland Technical Subteam
May 30, 2014 Subteam Meeting (Terrestrial/Wetland)
Document: Potential Criteria for Prioritizing Wildlife Species in Conservation Design (05-30-2014)
Potential Criteria for Prioritizing Wildlife Species in Conservation Design 5-30-14
Located in
Terrestrial and Wetland Technical Subteam
May 30, 2014 Subteam Meeting (Terrestrial/Wetland)
Document: Process and Decisions for Design on the Connecticut River Pilot Project
This document includes the key decisions made through August 2014 on the Connecticut River Pilot Landscape Conservation Design Project. Where available, details such as the meeting at which we reached consensus, options considered, and associated documents are included.
Located in
Connecticut River Pilot Core Team
Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 08-28-2014